Tears are gonna fall

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Seven months later 2011
Caitlin's Pov
I sit on the couch of my living room with my legs on the table.

I look down at my bulging stomach and just try to not basically die of anxiety. I don't want this right now.

I've done it all but why do I still feel so clueless? I've picked a family over call. I couldn't stand to see them in person. I have a labor plan and everything figured out. I don't understand why it still feels so terrible.

I come to realize eventually that it's not the pregnancy that's complicated. It's not the adoption. None of it.

It's my life. It was so set and had such a perfect plan. Get to point A to point B. That's all I needed. Now it's like I have to go to point A to point Z then back to point K and you see my point. There's nothing simple anymore.

Very few good things have happened to me at this point. At least I haven't seen Barry and Barry hasn't seen me. That's truly the only plus side. Well, the baby is healthy too I guess but I don't want it anyways.

I wish I could go back to the time when my life was described as love. Now my life is defined as anxiety.

Nothing about this pregnancy has been easy. It's not the throwing up, it's not the random cravings, it's the fact that Barry isn't here and this is a constant reminder that he exists. Barry will forever been linked to me now.

All of my self pity mind wandering is interrupted by a sharp pain in my back. It throbs throughout my body and I just try to breathe.

I'll ignore it for now.

I continue what I usually do on a normal day. I mean, it's basically nothing but I attempt to keep myself occupied.

As more time passes the pain keeps getting worse and is happening more frequently.

As the pain starts to come back, I put my hands on the counter and inhale sharply trying to power through it.

I feel a odd sensation. Like a water ballon just frickin popped in my well...sensitive area. Amniotic fluid starts to trickle down my legs.

Wait, amniotic fluid. I'm in labor. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. I try and take a deep breath to calm myself down.

I come to realize that I literally have no way of getting to the hospital except by an ambulance.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I pick up my phone and call a number. I didn't think I would ever be desperate enough to call my mother again.

C: "Hey mom."

T: "Caitlin? Why are you calling me?"

C: "I need you to come get me and take me to a hospital."

T: "Why don't you have someone else take you?"

C: "CAUSE I LITERALLY HAVE NO ONE ELSE!" I scream as the pain comes back.

T: You haven't talked to be in years and you just think I'll come to rescue you now?

C: MOM! Please. I need help and have no other option.

T: Okay, fine.

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