Part 75

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Dear Diary, 

Today, I packed my bags and I came downstairs to find Pippa. We had breakfast with the family before I headed back upstairs to pack again. William and Kate had already left. I was due to leave at 4pm. I practised my languages with Maria for most of today before the cars arrived to take us and the royal party back to the palace. 

I said goodbye to the Middletons. "Speak to you soon Dayna" Pippa smiled. I nodded. "Take care of yourselves" Carole smiled and I replied "We'll be fine". I got in the car and set off back to the Kensington. When I got back, Kate and William were already back and I unpacked. For the Order of the Thistle, I laid out my coat and pillbox hat on sofa in the dressing area. 

I am excited to go to Scotland again as everytime we go there, we always have a warm welcome. But this time Kate won't be there. So that saddens it a bit. However William and I will keep each other company. I'm excited for this. 

Yours Dayna. 

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