Part 102

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Dear Diary,

I went and saw Katie before I left and I promised her, we would stay in touch. Before we parted, I gave her my new address and so did she. 

Well tea at Buckingham Palace was wonderful before going for a stroll with Lilibet in the gardens. 

"It is wonderful that you are going to America" Lilibet smiled. She pulled me in for a hug. "I will definetly miss London" I told her, to which she laughed. "I'm sure you will" she smiled. "All of us will miss you. Especially Kate. She keeps telling me that you're one of the best things that happened to her". I was overwhelmed. I didn't know I was that special to them. 

Eventually we got to a bench. Lilibet wanted me to sit, so I did. She reached into her bag and handed me pieces of paper. I looked through them. "What is this?" I asked, holding them tightly. She hesitated before explaining their meaning. "A few weeks ago, when you said you were leaving, I asked for these papers to be drawn up, granting you royal status, even if you do marry into the Kennedy family" Lilibet explained. 

I was shocked! Royal status?! She then told me that I would be reknown as William and Kate's daughter but not have any claim to the throne. I understood and accepted that. Unlike most people. They'd be furious if they were a future King's daughter and had no right in the succession. But I wasn't like them. I accepted the fact, I couldn't be Queen and I gladly signed the paper. 

With these papers, I am also allowed to attend royal events and be welcome in Britain whenever I please. And I am to be granted the title of: Dayna, Princess Cambridge. Sounds very feminine and regal doesn't it.

I immediately hugged Lilibet after I signed it. "Thank you Lilibet. Thank you so much!" I cried of happiness. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before we headed back inside. I showed the papers to Kate and she is of course delighted! As is William. Even George and he's one for crying out loud! 

More tomorrow, 


Dayna, Princess Cambridge

PS: You can see why I have put my new title at the bottom. I could get used to this! 

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