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You think you're the only one hurting on the inside?

You think you're the only one who's feeling these overpowering emotions?

The weight of stress and anxiety pounding in your heart?

Well your not.

You may show it.

By not eating lunch, or breakfast, or even dinner.

By posting sad quotes on social media.

By crying in you room in the dark when you're alone and only have the stars to comfort you.

Do some do it for the attention?

Cause god knows there are a thousand other girls who are feeling crushed inside.

They don't want others to see them like that.

They don't want others to worry about them.

They don't want to inflict their pain upon them.

So why is it that some girls feel the need to show it and some don't?

Is it because the ones who keep it in are stronger?

Or are the ones who let it show stronger because they are letting their heart out to others saying, I'm hurting.

But most of those girls showing it don't want to be helped.

Or maybe they do, on the inside.

What is the likelihood that they'll tell us whether they want to be helped or not?

1 out of 100.

It's all confusing.

I don't understand it.

And maybe none of them do either.

Whether they are a cage or a river.

They all feel like they are being suffocated with life.

That it can't possibly get better, that they can't possibly win.

They can.

You have to be strong.

Whether you show it or not.

So The Clouds FallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant