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Love hurts

I've never felt this sad before
Never felt like I was drowning in an ocean with no land surrounding
Never felt like there was a rock upon my heart holding it down
Not until now

I never knew when I first met you,
That I would care about you this damn much

You took my emotionless persona
And flipped it inside out

This is the most I've cried in many moons
And it's all because of you
A boy who I fell in love with

A boy who loved me at one time
But fell away like sand through my fingers

When you were mine
I never wanted to let you go
But I did what I had to do

Do I regret it?
somewhere inside,

I want you in my future,
When you realize what you lost
But for now,
I'm looking to accept my life

So The Clouds FallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ