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It's moments like these
That I will never forget

The feeling of being on stage
If laughing with my friends
Making new friends

I'll always remember the feeling
Of sitting in the truck on the highway
With notion playing in the background
None of us talking
The stars out and the world dark

Always remember the stage lights
Shining in my eyes
The way my voice sounded
Over the speakers
The feel of eyes on me
Even tho it was as if
Only the people on stage existed

The sight of your eyes when you laughed
The single dimple when you smiled
You're voice
And the way you talked
How you were so passionate
And believing

The tear rolling down our cheeks
Because theses moments
Will never happen again
The thought
That your feet
will never meet
These surfaces again

That your eyes
Will never see
The same exact sights
Ever again

That your heart
Will never skip
The way it did
When we looked into each other's eyes

So The Clouds FallWhere stories live. Discover now