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Maybe I should

Why do I feel this way
Why do you
always show up when I close my eyes.

Why do I want you like this?
Why do I want him like this?
Why do I keep putting myself through the ringer?

Why do I make up things in my mind
One time with you
One time with him

My heart can't choose
And neither can my head

Why is this happening
I don't even hate it
Is that wrong?

I enjoy the feeling you give me
So I make more of it.
Like a druggy needs a fix
I can't let you be

If you left
I'd be stranded on a path
A path leading to a place
A place we could have made

Why am I acting like this
Feeling like this
I guess it's natural?

I don't really mind.

Hell maybe I enjoy it.

Maybe I should.

So The Clouds FallWhere stories live. Discover now