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We all love something
It could be a book,
A TV show or movie
A movie,a dog, a dolly.
At least one human.

We all know how to love,
I firmly believe in that
Some people may just love
Terrible terrible things
But it's still love...right?

Everyone breathes air.
Lives on the same earth.
Have the same thing running
Through our human veins.

Why are some people
Worth more than others.
It's a reality we have to face.
Some people matter more
to you than other people.

Do you blame yourself?
So why is it that we feel
we can't change who's more important.

We can change it
We have the power to do
Many many great things.

After all we share the same Earth
So can we make it worth living on?
With love and happiness.
And the strength of our hearts.

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