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I feel as if my emotions are trapped inside my body
They won't leave in tears
No matter how much I try
To force them out

Yes I feel them
Or at least I think I do
I hope I do

I told myself for so long
No,be strong sadness isn't something you should feel.
You have everything you could ever need
Why would you want to cry

Now that I haven't in so long
I'm longing for the tears to fall
To feel the sensation of water
Rolling down my cheeks

It sounds crazy
It's like the sadness inside me
Doesn't want to leave
It wants to stay holed up in my heart
And make me ache

I get close,
But they never come
Maybe somethings wrong with me
I hope not
But maybe if something is wrong
It'll make me cry

I don't know why I wanna feel this
I just do
It seems unfair to me
That I get to feel everything
But don't get a way to express it

It makes no since
But I hate this heavy heart
That resides inside my chest

So The Clouds FallWhere stories live. Discover now