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It amazes me
how different people are
form one another.

We all breath air
Have skin
And live on earth.

Those are about the only similarities
Between each and every one of us.

Many can do things others can't.
Is it because of genes
Or the amount of work they put in.

In my opinion it's both.

Some people's minds
Are way brighter than others

People stand next to each other
And you could never know
If they were plotting to kill the other

We are closed off from each other
At least most of us are.

It's tough,
I wonder if I'll ever find someone who understands.

We are all so different,
It's a one in a million chance
But so is it that the stars fall.

I believe it will happen
Or at least I hope it will.

So The Clouds FallWhere stories live. Discover now