what happened to you?

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Slow updates! for a faster updating story. Read my new book called The touch of fire. :)


"are you ready for this party al?" Vanessa asked

"oh yeah. I have to have a little fun."


I look out the windshield and see a truck come towards us and I turned the wheel but I didn't turn it fast enough. the car flips three times and Vanessa hits her head on the dashboard and I heard a crack. when the car stops I look at Vanessa and I try to see if she's okay. but before I can get the words out another car smashes my side of the car. then nothing. just blackness


" Is she gonna be okay doctor greene?"

"I'm going to have to keep her for the night to get a body scan to make sure she doesn't have internal bleeding. she should wake up anytime now."

I flutter my eyes open and I keep blinking until my vision gets clear.

" mom? where's Vanessa? is she okay?"

" I'm sorry Alyssa. she hit her head too hard and it killed her."

" she can't be dead!" I scream crying. "I wasn't watching where I was going... I-I killed my best friend"

" no you didn't Alyssa! the truck driver was drunk and the car driver was running a red light they wry both are facing some serious time. I'm gonna let you rest" my I'm says stroking my hair and kissing my forehead.


" she has some internal bruises but some rest is very ideal."

"okay thank you doctor" my mom says with a smile on her face.

when we get home Tyler is there. Tyler is my boyfriend. I love him but I have to break up with him because don't want him seeing me like this. I'm depressed, upset and sort of violent. Its not a good time.

"hey. I heard you were in the hospital. are you okay? I heard about Vanessa. I'm so sorry" he says pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry Tyler but we can't be together anymore. I have a lot going on and I don't want to hurt you"

" Alyssa come on, I can help you. just let me in"

I leave Tyler standing on my front porch thinking why Vanessa. it's all my fault she's dead and I can't bring her back.

I didn't eat dinner because I'm not in the mood to eat. so I went into the bathroom and took a burning hot shower and got out with a towel around me. I look through my closest and wear find some pJ' s to put on. I lay in my bed a fall into a deep sleep

"Al please don't think you killed me it's not your fault"

" I should have turned the wheel quicker I should have helped you before the car hit my side. it should have been me that died"

"al please don't do anything self conflicted."

she fades away. " I'll miss you AL. love you sis" she smiles as she fades away into the darkness leaving me alone. alone forever with out her voice. goodbye Vanessa rose Keeley. you will be missed.


I'm sorry it's short but I. don't want to write the whole story in one chapter. this is my first story and my first day.

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