The bad boy and me? who knows?

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okay. there are probably gonna be teams. so for now it's just Alex. but Tyler isn't done yet.. do I smell a new guy coming in?


At school in health class was normal. Except the glares I keep getting from Tyler. This time I don't miss him. why is my life so pathetic?

no parents, foster kid, dead best friend, lost boyfriend, and now currently failing my senior year..

I guess I was staring into space too long because I found Alex's curiosity get the best of him.

" What's wrong Alyssa is everything okay?" he asked curiously" yeah everything's fine. Just thinking" I keep thinking about how life would be right now if Vanessa was still alive.  I got up and asked the Escherichia I could go to the restroom leaving Alex by himself.

I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and punched it watching the blood drop to the floor.  I heard foot steps and turned around to see Alex. "this is a girls bathroom"I said sliding to the floor gripping the handlebars in deep pain.

" do you think I care?" he came walking to me and bending down to pick me up  under my arms. "Why do you care so much? You are supposed to be the' bad boy'" I said gripping my teeth since I was in pain. "I care because a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be so down about yourself all the time. Now we are going to the nurse. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."  He stated "that's more of the' bad boy' I see." I smirked "girls can't smirk. it just makes you look dumb. Only guys can." He smirked "Okay Mr. know it all" I smiled. "that's better. Your smile is pretty on you." he said looking at me. "pretty ugly." I teased. "whatever Alyssa"


" she's gonna need stitches." Doctor Casey said. "okay I'll take her... if that okay to skip class." he asked"  I'll give Mr.  Knowles a note."


" ugh.. I can't believe I need stitches. You don't need to pay for me Alex." I told Alex being serious. " Alyssa I am going to because I'm your friend and that's what friends do." he said in a matter-of-fact voice.  " oh my gosh I have a guy that's paying for me instead of the other way around..." sounding playfully surprised. " Tyler made you pay?" he sounded angry. "yeah.. he never had the mon-" he cut me off. "Then he shouldn't have took you out on dates then! that son if a-" Now it was my turn to cut him off.  "Alex. we are over with don't worry about it." I laughed. "But still" he said looking at me. " wow! eyes on the road please!" I yelled. "I'm so so sorry. are you okay?" he said being serious. " never better." I breathed.


After he drove me to the Doctor to get stitches and then home. I went to the coffee shop to get some coffee. I was looking down to text my foster sister and someone bumped into me. "watch i-" I was cut off. "s-sorry. I'm matt. can I buy you a coffee for accidentally spilling yours?" he stuttered. "no. you don't gave to. but you are Matt Greene from school aren't you!" I asked surprised. another bad boy. great... " yeah that's me." he laughed " you don't have to do that" I said feeling bad because he bought me a new coffee. "yeah I did. because I spilled that one" pointing to my almost empty cup of my old one. " okay thank you" I smiled. "hey you wanna go t he diner across the street tonight?" he asked looking down. " can it not be a date? like can it be a place to hang out?" I asked thinking o sounded rude. "yeah. that's what o was meaning. "he scratched his head. "it did sound like I asked you on a date didn't it?" he asked laughing. I laughed " yeah. it did." I smiled. " Pick you up at 8 then?" he asked. " yup. here's my number." handing him a piece of paper.


I tried making this chapter longer. but I have a few surprises up my sleeve. so.. team Alex, team Tyler, or team Matt?

hope this story is good. :) 

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