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Again. I know it's boring at the moment. but it'll get better as it goes. What team are you on? Tyler,Alex,or  Matt? two bad boys and 1 abusive one. And I changed the characters. Alyssa is Hayden Panettiere. Matt is Chase Crawford. Alex is Hunter Hayes (couldn't really find anyone else. It was a recommendation from a friend who is obsessed with him..) And I haven't found anyone for Tyler yet.


What's running through my mind right now? The fact that I can open my eyes at the moment and I can't hear anything. I feel like I'm in a soundproof box. I don't feel pain in my body right now. But before I passed out I hit my head pretty dang hard...

                       Alex's POV

I can't believe I just seen Tyler throw Alyssa across the hallway. By no time to think about that. Matt my ex-best friend is help me beat the living crap out of Tyler. I can't even think straight. Why does he treat her that way? She did nothing to deserve it. But I was ma at Alyssa earlier because she's friends with the guy I now hate. Matt took her out to a club! A club! He couldn't have taken her to a more respectable place? Matt knows I hate him. He did me wrong.. Wanna know what he did? He hurt my older sister. It was an accident I know but still. I've heard that guys shouldn't hold grudges but what he did Is unforgivable. I want to be friends again with him but I have my doubts. Wait.. Why am I talking about Matt?

I threw a hard punch and so did Matt. How is he not passing it yet? Two teachers came and literally had to pry me and Matt off of Tyler. He deserved the broken nose and two black eyes. He shouldn't have provoked her like that for nothing...

                         Matt's POV

I wish I can beat him some more. He needs to be taught a lesson. I was helping Alex fight. We aren't 'buds'  any more because I accidentally threw a football too hard at her and broke her nose. I want to be friends with him again. But the thing I don't get is, why is he friends with Alyssa? speaking of Alyssa I ran over to her and was trying to have her open her eyes. it wasn't working. She hit her head pretty hard. I just can't believe a beautiful girl like this just got abused by her ex randomly, it's not right at all...

            Back to Alyssa's POV

I tried one last time to open my eyes and successfully did it. I had to blink a couple of times. I noticed Alex and Matt next to me with worried faces. I sat up fast and gripped my head. " Wow Wow wow. Alyssa sit back down you must ave a concussion." Matt said. I listened and sat back down on the cold floor. I looked up at Matt and looked where he was looking. He was looking at Alex. "Why did you take her a club yesterday Matt?" Alex said angrily. "Because she needed to let go and relax." Mat said calmly. "And letting her get drunk was relaxing! Jeez Matt. Way to be stupid."

I cut them off and looked at Alex. " I actually had fun. And it was relaxing." I smiled up at Matt "Thank you Matt" still smiling. "And Alex I know you are worried about me. Thank you too." I smiled and he smiled back. I hugged Matt then Alex. They both smiled and looked at me. " what am I? A show? why are you looking at me?" I asked blushing. "because we can look at you" Matt said smirking. "oh Alex I forgot to give you my number."I said handing him a piece of paper with horrible handwriting on it.

when school was done. All I could think about was Matt and Alex's smile. they make me melt.

hey come to the park.


okay I'm coming.

I replied with a smile on my face.

I got dresses into my favorite summer outfit. since you know it is summer..

I grabbed my keys to my Explorer and left.

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