Where did he go?

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                               Chapter 12

Matt left. I start pacing. I take out my phone and dial a number. "Matt is gone. Please help me?" I said between sobs. I run out of the hospital and get in my car and start to drive.

I go to different places to try to find him. The next place I go to is the beach. "Matt!" I yelled. I walk around in the hot sand. I collapse to knees. "Why do You do this! I need you!" I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Babe. chill. I just needed air." He choked out with a dry throat.

"You needed air! Matt! you just got out of the hospital. And you needed air! I love you. I can't lose You again." I yelled.

He pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry Ally.." He kissed my forehead.

I kissed him with a kiss that I never gave anyone. A kiss filled with hunger, anger, and passion. I knew he felt it Because he gave me a kiss that he never gave me before. Desire.

If I lost him, I wouldn't and couldn't live. He is the only thing I have left..I thought that with the other two. yeah.. I can't at their names. it's too hard to bear. I b loved them with all my soul. With all I had. My thoughts were cut off when Matt took his hand in mine.

We sat on the sand and watched as the sun went down. There isn't a better place in the world than being with the person you love.

I started crying happy tears. I never ever try to cry in front of someone. My aunt told me'Crying is a showing of weakness.'

You know a holiday I can't wait for? Valentine's day. Hats my favorite holiday ever. Its a day where you spend time with the person you love. Some enjoy the chocolate, some enjoy the sweetness, the greatness, and the kisses. I enjoy all of it. I won't regret one thing.


I know it's short. I'm sorry. I've been a very busy girl. What do you think about this chapter? love it? Hate it? Both? What Don you think is going to happen? Please tell me in the comments. I want to see how creative my readers are. Thanks for reading! please,






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