Together and happy

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sorry I haven't updated in more than 7 days. I have band camp because I'm a color guard girl. Band kids hate us. Don't know why. But I have a whole other week. I can do this. Being sore sucks though.


                             Alyssa POV

I took his hand in mine as we walked down the school hallway. Heads turned, death glares toward me from girls and death glares to Matt from guys. "How about we show them who they are staring at." Matt whispered. I stopped and faced him and he kissed me and I kissed back. After getting what they deserved we both heard hoots and hollering. Maybe even whistling.

Matt got a pat on the back. "Good job man." They did their dude hand shake and we were on our way to class.


At lunch time I looked around to find Alex sitting at our table. I walked up with a humongous tray of food and sat down. "Um, Alyssa-" I cut him off. " I don't talk to rodents, They leave' trash'  behind." I said.

"Alyssa I never called you trash." He spat. I wanted to punch him so bad. "I read between the lines. Catch up with the program." I rolled my eyes, got up and went to another table. I looked at Matt But he was talking to friends.

I put my head in my hands and was not trying to cry. I felt a hand on my back. "Hey, what's wrong?"

After I told Matt, He pulled me into a big hug. "Let's skip the rest of school. I have an idea. I'm gonna take you to my favorite spot to clear my mind."


Matt snuck us out of school and took me to the lake.

I lie down on Matt's chest on the deck above the water and look at the sky. If I could paint, I would pain the sky and the scattered clouds and me and Matt.

Matt wraps his finger with my hair. I look up at him. "This is beautiful. I love it." I smiled. He leaned down to kiss me and I turned around and wrapped my legs around him. I kissed him while caressing his face.

" You take my breath away. You are a beautiful girl. When I see your face it makes my day to see you happy. If I could write you a song I would." He smiled. I lie my head i n his shoulder and cuddle with him.

"I love you Matt." I say.  He smiled and kissed me. "I love you too."

You know I never loved like  I love you. He never made me feel as special. Yeah He took me places spent money on me, But I don't feel what I feel with you." I smiled. "That sounded cheesy I know." I stated. "I love cheese." He laughed.


We spent hours on that dock laughing, kissing, cuddling, and admiring the view. When I got home. I plopped on my bed. I'm alone here at home. This sucks. "I lose people I get close to." I snickered to myself.

I'm here for you.

I wish you were here. I'm lonely. I live by myself now. It sucks. :(

I'm coming.

Twenty minutes later Matt walks through my door. "Hey baby." He smiles. "I told you I'm here. You are are not a broken girl. I will glue you back together piece by piece."

"What would I do without you" I smiled. I pulled him on to the bed. And took his shirt off. " Are you sure you want to this Alyssa?" He asked seriously. "Yes." I whispered.


I woke up and looked over at my clock and found that it was nice o'clock A.M. I looked beside me and found Matt sleeping. I lie back down and put my head on his chest and go back to sleep.

"Alyssa. I will always love you. Don't you forget it."  Matt leans in for a kiss and we both get hit by a truck speeding over the speed limit by 30 MPH. We were sped to the hospital, I survived. "Alyssa. Your boyfriend, Matt is dead.". the doctor said.

I took a deep breath and woke up. "Hey, hey, hey. Its okay. It was just a dream." he said. " You're alive!" I yelled relived.

After explaining my dream. He sat on the bed hugging me, And rocking me. With a tear streaked face. " I'm not going anywhere." He whispered.


Matt opened the car door for me and walked hand in hand with me. Next thing you know we were flown across the street from a speeding car.


"Alyssa Your boyfriend, Matt. His heart stopped beating."

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