Oh boy...

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                             Chapter 13

So we haven't heard about Alex in a while... I thought I should do his POV.

                                 Alex POV

I walk into the store with an arm over a girls shoulder. Since I couldn't get Alyssa, I got this random girl from school. I don't even know her name. I miss Alyssa. You can't just

'get over' a girl like that.

I walked through the isles and saw a bottle of vodka. I looked up at the cameras and I didn't see any. I acted like I was looking at it and grabbed another one quickly. I slid the other bottle in my jacket.

I walked out. But I didn't just walk out I went around the scanner thingy. As I walked to my car I opened the bottle and drank gulps of it. I ended up choking from the burning sensation in my throat.

Lets just say that since Alyssa didn't want me, I've been a little depressed. Just a little if you can't tell. Ounce I finished the vodka, I got out of the car and stumbled over to a homeless person. He asked for money and I gave him a penny. He gave me a sad look. "Look d-dude I-I'm p-p-poor t-too."

I saw my car and ran towards it and got in and drove to an open park across the street and got out. I walked to a bench and sat down. A random guy sat next to me. "Girl problems?" The mysterious guy that looked around my age asked. "I m-miss h-her. My b-best f-f-friend stole her from me. I almost had her!" I yelled drunkenly.

"Whoever your 'best friend' is, doesn't seem like a great friend. Who are the people? I mean the girl you love and your

'best friend's' names.."He asked. I don't even know this person. Why is he asking me all this stuff?

"Alyssa and Matt..." I couldn't find the words to say Alyssa's name. it hurts to think about her.

"Ah. I know who you are talking about. I'll investigate. I know Alyssa. so it won't be hard. Oh I'm Marshal." He said quickly

"Thanks bro',I'm Alex." I stated. "I have to get going. Its almost eleven. Nice seeing you Marshal." I rambled

"Cya!" He yelled walking away.


What is wrong with you!" Matt snapped. "Kissing another girl to see if she was jealous and she was. Now I can be her boyfriend." I stated. "Are you serious? She's not a game!" Matt yelled. "Well obviously to him I am." she came to Matt's side.

End of flashback*

That night kept replaying in my head... So I turned on my radio and heard a good song called. 'its not over' by Daughtry.

I try to see the good in life

But good things in life are hard to find

We'll blow it away, blow it away

Can we make this something good?

Well, I'll try to do to it right this time around

Let's start over

I'll try to do it right this time around, it's not over

'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground

This love is killing me but you're the only one

It's not over.

I sang that song at the top of my lungs. I sort of kinda dedicated it to Alyssa. I sound prissy. She's supposed to be in my situation not vise versa.

Ugh! I hate how she is doing this to me! I drove to her house. I didn't even mean to. After I realized that I was here I sped away squealing my tires.

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