sisters and tying up lose ends

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"So, sis," she walks towards me. "You have been quite fun to watch. You are your boyfriend are cute together-" she was cut off by me.

"Cut the crap, what do you want from me?" I snap. Ouch that hit her didn't it?

"I want family. I have no one. No one."she states innocently she looks of about 14. Blond, blue eyes, long hair, short. She needs my help. I can't just abandon her.

"Okay. You can stay with me and matt. But there are some guide lines." I sate

She grabs me and pulls me into a bear crushing hug. "Anything. I just need someone."


After telling Matt and my new sister some rules we all watch a movie. Her name is Olivia rose Hathaway. She took my father's last name. She is my full blood sister. She is only half, but looks like I did when I was just her age.

"Hey Olivia, since you are new to the house. We have some news." I state.


Matt POV-

Alyssa trusts too easy. I mean of course it's her sister, she looks like a carbon copy. Or so what I hear and obviously see. lets just hope this news isn't bad.

"Hey babe. Lets wait until tomorrow to tell her. It will overwhelm her. She looks all warm and cozy now." I look over to find her asleep. Insomnia I see runs in the family.

"I'll carry her upstairs. Come with to help me tuck her in?" Alyssa the beautiful asks. When she looks at her sister she has this twinkle in her eye like she knew she was missing something and just found it. She takes Olivia in her arms and carries her upstairs. I beat her to the spare bedroom and pull the blue velvety comforter down.

"Okay. She's in bed and asleep." She states. "I have something to tell you babe, and it's important." She looks scared.

"Anything." I take her hands. "You can trust me." I state.

"Its not that I don't. I just don't want you to leave me." Tears well up in her eyes. I stroke her cheek and and takes my hand. "Matt I'm pregnant."



okay, I am making 2-3 more chapters and finishing this story. The picture up there is Olivia. Cute right? Anyways.. how do you think about a baby? Think she deserves happiness? What does Matt think about her, what should he do, please comment. I want to know what you guys think!

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