Answers Lead to More Questions.

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I posted a pic of Rozalyn! (; It should be on the side if your using a computer. I think up top if you're using a phone or a tablet or whatever. She's cute huh? (; I don't know who she is though. xD Searched randomly for tumblr girls and found her. c: 


Rozalyn's POV



"Why are you and dad getting divorced...?"

She lowered down the volume of the Tv and got serious all of a sudden so I made sure to pay attention to what she was about to say. She faced me and let out a long sigh.  I tossed my phone on top of the table next to our couch.

"Your dad and I are getting divorced because well, he has been seeing his ex wife again."

"I wouldn't have guessed...."

"But don't worry. While you went to school I went to talk to your dad. We worked everything out, and decided to still be friends for you and Marisela's sake."


I had no idea what to say at this point.

"I still love dad and all, but are you even hurt by what he did to you mami?"

"Of course I am, nina, but that's just life. If you love someone, let them go. Your father will always have a place in my heart. He's been doing this for the past months. I just decided now to actually confront him about it. All the fighting you and Marisela had to hear, we didn't want that for you two anymore."

I embraced my mom into a hug and squeezed her tight.

"Te amo, mama. Tu eres muy fuerte y considerado. (I love you, mom You are so strong and thoughtful)" I said.

"I love you too." She said softly, kissing my head.

"There's one thing I've never told you though... and I think I should now." She said.

"What is it?" I said with a hint of interest in my voice.

I sat up straight and hugged a pillow.

"You have a half sister..."

My eyes widened. I didn't expect that. My mind became filled with questions to ask.

"Really? What's her name? How old is she? When did you meet her?"

My mom chuckled lightly at my curiosity. I'm always questioning every little thing.

"When your dad and I got married his ex wife came to the wedding with her. It's been a while now since I've seen her in person but your father showed me a recent picture of her on his phone. Anyways, her name is very unique. It's on the tip of my tongue ..."

I started at her intently waiting for her to respond.

"Yulema! That's her name."

"Yulema Ramirez..." I murmured.

"What did you say, nina?" 

I grabbed my phone off the table and got on Instagram. I searched up @scbclothing and showed my mom a picture of Yulema "Imagine".

"That's her alright."

"Is there any chance I could meet her and her mom?"

"We can arrange that." She said while smiling.

"You don't mind being around dad's ex wife right...?"

"Of course not. We were good friends before this all happened." 

"Mama, sometimes I think you're just way too nice."

"Why do you think that?" She asked clueless.

"Never mind. I'm going to bed, night." 

"I'm glad we had this talk, night chiquita."

I stood up from the couch and walked to my room. I threw myself onto my bed and yawned. I found out a handful today with Brandon having a girlfriend, why my mom and dad are getting divorced and that Yulema Imagine is my half sister. I fucking love her. She's literally perfection. Her hair, her face, her style, her plugs, everything. My phone vibrated in my hand. It was a text from Steven.

"- Aye bruh"

"- Heeyy. (:"

"- Someone seems happy haha"

"- I just found out the best thing ever."

"- What?"

"- Guess ;)"

"- You gonna give me the booty? (;"

"- Dumbass no -.-"

"- I was playing x) But what is it?"

"- My mom told me Yulema Imagine is my half sister o;"

"- Really? Don't lie to me ..."

"- Yes really!"

"- Oh"

"- What's wrong...?"

"- Nothing i'm gonna sleep bye"

"- bye..."

I placed my phone on top of my dresser and curled up in my blanket. That convo got awkward at the end.

"I'll ask him about it tomorrow." I said to myself.

I let sleep take over me and dreamed of happy thoughts.


Just a quick update! Not going to update for a few weeks now so you guys can wonder. (; Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me. <3 I love seeing you guys comment "Update please!" It makes me feel accomplished that someone likes my story. :x Thank you guys. c: <3

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