Steven? Adriel?

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Rozalyn's POV

It was finally Saturday. No drama, no bullshit, no homework, no boys. Just chilling at home with Netflix and food in a onesie.

Ding Dong!


I got up and trudged my way to the door. My mom wasn't home so I had to open it. When I saw who was at the front door I froze and looked at how messy my hair was and what I was wearing.


"Your mom told me you would be home alone so I brought the boys here." Yulema winked.

I shot her a death glare.


Yulema stepped inside and I slammed the door shut on Steven and Adriel's faces.

"Why did you bring them both here?!" I sort of whisper screamed.

"So you can finally decide which one you want to be with! You're jumping back and forth between them and i'm pretty sure they both want to know who you're going to choose!" She stated.

Damn, she was right though.

"I don't know! I don't know who I want to be with. I don't want to choose between them. They're both really great guys..." I groaned, plopping myself on the couch.

"Why won't you be with Adriel? He's been there for you all this time and he's never hurt you. Steven just plays with your feelings." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

I wasn't sure what to say. She was right after all.

"It's just... I had a real connection with Steven you know? He gave me something to remember about hin the first time I met him. He's funny, caring, sweet..."

I could have gone on and on about him.

"But Adriel's exactly the same thing! He's everything Steven is."

"Well we better let them in or they'll start wondering what we're doing."

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot they were there." I laughed.

I opened the door after I fixed my hair a bit and let the boys inside. They both smiled at me and I couldn't tell whose smile made me blush harder. Damn.

I have no idea who i'll choose. I might as well flip a coin and decide. Today looks like it's not going to go well for me...


To begin, I AM SO SO SORRY FOR THE SUPER LATE UPDATE. I WENT TO CALI FOR WINTER BREAK AND THEN SCHOOL WAS JUST AFSGDKDLA. I was very busy lately. I'll update another chapter tomorrow! :)

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