Stabby and Adrielyn?

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Rozalyn's POV

I held Adriel's hand tightly. Steven looked different. He cut his hair shorter and dyed the tips blonde. He was holding another girl's hand too. I looked up to Adriel with a pleading look in my eyes, begging to leave now. He shook his head in response.

"I don't care if he is here. I'm still getting you frozen yogurt." He stated.

Steven and the girl with brown hair began to walk up to us. Adriel let go of my hand and slid his arm around my waist. My eyes widened when he did and I couldn't help but blush a little, it was a little unexpected.

"Rozalyn and Adriel? You're together?" Steven glared.

"Do you not see my arm around her?" He chuckled.

"Just like how you stole Yulema from me." He growled.

In the blink of an eye Steven pounced on Adriel and it turned into a fist fight. Blows, kicks, punches, were all thrown. In the end Steven ended up on the ground with Adriel on top, barely able to continue to punch. I yelled for them to stop multiple times but they wouldn't listen. I ran to Steven's side while he layed motionless on the floor.

"Steven?! Why did you do that?!" I screamed in anger.

"Because..." He uttered before his eyes closed.

"You idiot..." I muttered while frowning.

"Call 911! He's not breathing!" I told the workers.

I stayed by Steven's side, holding his hand in mine the entire time with Abby and Adriel beside me. I could feel the heavy tears starting to fall. Adriel comforted me and apologized about a million times but I didn't say anything. It wasn't his fault at all, but I couldn't speak.

Once the paramedics arrived they took him to the hospital in the back of the vehicle and all three of us went too. They told us Steven has a concussion and he would be fine. That's all that replayed in my head as we waited in the lobby of the hospital.

His parents were the only ones allowed in the same room as Steven at the moment. While I sat next to Adriel I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Adriel, this is all my fault." I whispered.

"It's not. It's mine for taking the fight too far." He tried to reassure me, but it didn't work.

"Do you want to know what Yulema said to me?" I asked.

He looked at me with interest in his eyes. I could tell he wanted to know without him even saying it.

"She told me that you had some feelings for me."

"Is that all?" He questioned.

"Rozalyn." Abby spoke.

I turned my attention towards her. She made eye contact and glared at me with hatred burning in her eyes.

"I think you and your little friend should leave. You've done enough already." She spat out.


"If anything i'm the only one he wants to see out of the three of us. He couldn't care less about you."

"You can't tell me whether or not I could see my friend!" I yelled a bit too loudly.

"Friend?! You and Adriel got him in the hospital bitch!" She screamed in my face.

"Like you did shit to stop them from fighting?! All you did was stand there looking dumb as fuck!"

"Shut the fuck up hoe!" She barked like a dog.

"We'll just go see Steven later today. Arguing with a wall is a waste of my time." I growled, facing the direction away from her.

I grabbed Adriel's arm and dragged him out the hospital. We sat out in the front on the benches nearby. There wasn't really something else to do or go to, but I didn't even want to do anything at the moment. I just wanted to hear that Steven was okay, but there was still someone with me who made me feel safe and was by my side this whole time.



"I like you too."


I'm literally just like experimenting at this point. Trying to make this story different. Idk. Comment your opinions! Vote for this chapter if you enjoyed the little drama. o; And Follow meee. ♥

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