Adriel Delson.

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Adriel's POV

I ran after Rozalyn like Yulema told me to do but I had no idea where she went. I decided to just wander around the block hoping I'll find her. That's when I saw a girl sitting on the curb of the sidewalk near a stop sign. I jogged up to her and sat next to her.

"Hey." I said lowly.

I was of afraid of speaking any louder seeing she was so fragile at the moment. I could hear her quiet whimpers and small gasps for air. She reminded me of Yulema.

"Hi." She managed to choke out.

I tilted her chin up so that she had to face me. Her face was soaked in tears, her eyes were puffy, but to me... she still looked as beautiful as ever. I noticed she was thinking about something. Then suddenly, Rozalyn connected her lips with mine. I kissed back but soon pulled away with a guilty look on my face.

"I don't want you to do something you don't want to do." I said softly.

"No. I-I want to." She stuttered out.

"I know you only did that because of Steven."

I wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled gently. I chuckled to myself lightly.

She's so damn cute.

Someone's phone went off, interrupting the moment. I reached into my pocket but then I remembered I left mine at the house. Rozalyn checked her back pocket and pulled her phone out, staring at the screen-- Steven was calling her. Without thinking I snatched the phone from her hands and ran away with it.

"Adriel?! What are you doing?!" She yelled, chasing after me.

I slowed down a bit thinking she wouldn't be able to catch up to me, but I was wrong. I turned around and she was right behind me. I managed to trip on my own feet and fell to the ground with Rozalyn landing on top of me. Her eyes widened and a frown appeared on her face. I assumed she was thinking of Steven, but I didn't like seeing her like that so I tickled her sides.

"Stop!" She yelled with a big grin on her face and laughing.

When I finally stopped she looked like she was never crying in the first place.

"Hey I think we should get back now. Yulema's probably waiting for us." I said.

"Only if you give me a piggy back ride."

"Fine. Get on my back."

I crouched down and she hopped onto my back making me stumble a bit.

"You're so heavy!" I joked.

"You're so rude!" She retorted, smacking me on the face.

When we arrived at the front doorstep Yulema was already there. Instead of saying something like, "I was worried about you guys!" She took out MY phone, took a picture of us, and posted it on MY Instagram.

"Way to show you were worried about us." I said sarcastically.

She stuck my phone in mine and Rozalyn's face and showed us the picture.

"You guys look so cute together!" She giggled.

We all sat back down in the living room and watched the show Catfish together. This guy met some girl over the internet but when they ended up meeting in person she turned out to be someone else.

"I feel bad for him." Rozalyn said, laying her head in my lap.

"Would you ever date someone over the internet?" I asked her and Yulema.

"I would, but I'd want to be able to meet them." Yulema answered.

"I don't know... but if it ever happens then I guess so. What about you?" Rozalyn responded.

"Probably not." I shrugged.

"Why?" Yulema and Rozalyn asked at the same time.

"Well, I want to be able to hold the person I fell for in my arms."

"You're so cheesy."

Rozalyn's POV

I took out my phone and checked my text messages.

Steven Fernandez

Can we talk?

I ignored it and let out a long sigh.

"Rozalyn! Look over here!" Yulema said.

I looked up and saw she was taking a picture so I smiled.

"I'm posting this." She commented.

After minute passed I checked my Instagram. I saw more people following me, comments, and likes as usual. I was a bit overwhelmed by it though. There were a few comments that caught my eye on Adriel's and Yulema's photo.

Why is that bitch near Adriel again?! He's MINE.

Is she cheating on Steven?

Did they already break up?

Is Adriel and Rozalyn dating?

She's ugly

Monkey lookin ass



Fake Bitch

Attention whore!

I frowned guessing Adriel noticed because he looked at my phone screen and read the comments.

"Ignore those. There's always people who will hate on you no matter what because they're jealous."

"What happened?" Yulema asked.

"People are sending her hate."

"Oh yeah, just ignore them. I get hate all the time and even Adriel does. Don't worry boo boo." She reassured me.

"Plus, if you read past those comments you'll see a bunch of people defending you anyways. I guess you have fans now, haha." Adriel added.

"Thanks guys." I smiled.

I got another text message but this time it was from my mom.

I'm here to pick you up

"Hey guys I have to go now." I said standing up.


"Yeah, sorry. I'll ask if I can come over tomorrow though." I said smiling.

"Yeah! Just come whenever you want. I don't mind. My parent's don't mind either." Yulema said, giving me a huge bear hug.

I was about to walk out the door until someone grabbed my arm.

"I don't get a hug?" Adriel asked pouting.

"Of course you do Adriebae." I laughed, squeezing him tight.

I gave him a peck on the cheek before I left and hopped in my mom's car to go home.

Yulema's POV

"You like her, don't you?" I asked Adriel after Rozalyn was gone.

"We just met so I don't know. Why do you think that?"

"The way you hug, talk, and smile around her. It's different than when you're around other girls."

"She kind of reminds me of you though."

"Really? How?" I asked.

"You're both funny, easy to talk to..."

"You guys would make a better couple. I'm just saying." I pointed out.

"Maybe, but I think it would be fucked up to do that to Steven."

"Just think about it."


I wonder if Rozalyn will end up with Adriel now. >:) Keep reading scummies! Watch out for the next chapter. (;

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