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The moonlight slowly filtered through the room. It had been about 4 days since I had seen a glimmer of light from hunter. He didn't talk to me much, he usally just zoomed in, left me some food and was out quicker then I could see him. To be honest, I missed him. Just like I missed Barry, Harry, Cisco, Joe, dad, Iris, and caitlyn.Exept I Had seen them less than I had seen hunter. The same night after I had seen that glimmer of light from hunter He had once again taken of the chains. So I went to go find Jay again. ' H-O-W Y-O-U G-E-T F-R-E-E?' He knocked anxiously when he say me sit outside the glass. " He let me." I said strongly. He tilted his head. ' H-E N-O-T H-U-R-T Y-O-U?'

Hunters point of veiw.

I had always known I had been quite on my feet.. yet I had never been this quite . Observing Millie was interesting but It had gottem weirder when she made her way back to Jay Garrick. ' H-E N-O-T H-U-R-T Y-O-U?' He knock. I saw Millies shoulders sag slightly and I felt my nerves bunch together. " No, he didn't really..." She whispered. I was angry, to be honest I was more then angry........................

Millies POV

My shoulders sagged. " No, He didn't really." I froze before I had even heard the sound of sizzling electricty. I turned around. Zoom/ Hunter.. His hands were curled into fist and his mask was sprawled on the ground. I had never seen him this angry since He was strangling Barry. " Really..?" He asked in the dark mask voice of his. " Hunter n-....." He rushed at me before I could finish my sentence, blue sparks of lighning flying everywere. Before I knew It I was being held against the wall by my neck.... Just like he had done to Barry.... He was Having a tantrum.

Darkside- A hunter Zolomon/Jay Garrick/zoom lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now