Its His

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I didn't understand. I didn't know why this was happening or how, or why it was happening so fast. I didn't want it to happen. I wasn't ready. And it was His. Hunters. Zooms. I was Pregnant. First I thought I was getting fat... but I had fast metabilisim and I hadn't eaten for a while and then It stuck me. I was Pregnant.I felt dizzy and sick. I had also started wearing baggier clothes so no one saw my baby bump."Guys Since we have the comet back we have to try to figure out how to stop zoom and get Barry's speed back." Cisco said spinning in his chair. "And how do you suppose you do that?" Barry asked, staring at his suit. "Well From what Millie's said all you have to do is wait for your Future self to come visit you." Caitlyn said shrugging. "Thats not going to work. Why would that even work?-" "Or she could go to the future and ask him." Cisco said cutting over Harry's rant. Yep they were talking about me as if I weren't there. and I wish I wasn't. The truth was I couldn't run. It hurt and I didn't want to Damage the Baby, even thought I didn't want it. "Hey Mil. You think thats a good idea?" Joe asked. "c-couldn't you ask wally?" I said "he doesn't have speed....." Cisco pointed out. "I can't, Im sorry." I said quickly walking out. I got to the second hallway when I felt Barry's Hand around my wrist. "Whats up with you Mil? I Understand you'd be worried about Jay, But why the Future?" He asked. "I can't run." I mumbled. "What, How?!" Barry Gasped. "Did he steal your powers, did you lose them Why can't you run are you hurt-" "BARRY IM PREGNANT!" I yelled looking down. He stood there shocked. "And Its His."

Darkside- A hunter Zolomon/Jay Garrick/zoom lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now