"Your Back

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He was gone withen seconds leaving me standing there as the doors burst open and Barry Ran at me throwing his arms around me and pulling me into a hug. I stood stiff in his arms staring at the door. He pulled away from the hug and took my face in his hands. "Millie, How did you get out? Get your speed? Why has the colour changed? Dad- Everyones been so worried..." He trailed of trying to look into my eyes. My eyes snapped to his. "Dad? He's here?" I whispered looking at him. "He's At starlabs He-" Barry didn't even get to finnish his sentence before I ran him to star labs, into the Cortex were everone was waiting. "The comets Back Baby!" Cisco Yelled as Henry pulled me into a hug. "Your Back." "Yeah I'm Back."

Darkside- A hunter Zolomon/Jay Garrick/zoom lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now