Chapter Thirty-Two.

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I have stayed up way too late to write this, but once I started I just couldn't stop. I really like where this is going, and I'm glad I didn't wrap it up like I wanted to. This story has really challenged me to push myself as a writer. Even though it's just a fanfic, it means a lot to me.

So I hope you enjoy this, and it puts a smile on your face like it has mine. 


"So I'm really not interested in all the gory details, but did you have fun last night?" Kaner asked.

We were laying in his bed, talking about my not-so-date date. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. 

It was a huge blow to my self esteem for Jon to leave me for some slut, and for someone to want me, especially with my cancer look, meant a lot. I was back to my confident self. 

"Yes. I did. But it's really nothing. We had some fun, but both agreed that we weren't ready for anyone else. Because we were still caught up with our exes." I said, trying to hide the pain from showing through. 

"Have you thought about talking to him again?" Kaner asked. 

"Yeah. I miss him. Like really miss him. But I can't make him change. I can't make him love me." My voice breaking at the end.

"He does love you Charlie." Kaner said pulling me close, and rubbing my back. 

"No he doesn't. And I mean it's fine, and I need to get over it, but I just miss him. The only reason he came back to me is because things weren't working out with Carrie. I was his fiancé and he just left me." I said, a few tears escaping my eyes. 

"I hate to see you cry." Kaner said, wiping away the tears. 

"I know. I'm sorry. Can you get me a glass of water?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Sure." Kaner said, kissing my forehead, and walking out to the kitchen. 

I laid there, stuck in my own thoughts. My good mood from this morning had vanished, and I was stuck with my reality. 

Tears began to fall freely down my face, and this time I let them. 

Movement caught my eye from outside the door, and I looked up to see Jon.

He was watching me cry, and letting it happen. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me shed tears over him, so I rolled over.

"Tazer, seriously, if she wanted to talk to you, she wouldn't be on my bed right now." I heard Kaner, his protective voice, shaking me slightly. 

"I just need...nothing. Forget it." Jon said, before going into his room and slamming the door.

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