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I pull down my skirt and glare at myself in the mirror. I part my hair to the left and fix the curls then unplug my curling iron. I quickly do my makeup and slightly smile into the mirror. I don't look half bad. But then again I wear the same thing everyday. Light blue plaid skirt with a white colored shirt, a plaid tie that matches the skirt, and a gray cardigan. Then we also have to wear knee high socks with black shoes.

"Wisconsin!" my mom yells, "Time to go!" I quickly grab my backpack and run down the steps. I run into the kitchen and find my dad on his laptop looking at houses for a client. I grab an apple and go over to my dad. "Bye Dad, love you!" I say kissing his cheek.

"Have a good day at school, love you too." he says hugging me. I run out to my moms car and open the passenger door. "We're going to be late!" she says and I shake my head. We won't. That's just what she always says.

"You look nice mom" I compliment her. My mom always looks beautiful no matter what she's wearing or how much makeup she has on.

She smiles back at me and we continue the drive to school in silence. I'm not super close to my mom but I do talk to her about anything. I guess it's the therapist aura that she carries with her.

I get to school and sigh. I don't want to go in there and have people start to make fun of me. Again. It's been every year. The same old jokes, the pointing, the laughing. Can't they give it a break? Like honestly. Real mature.

I walk in the building and sign in for my new class schedule. "Name please?" the secretary asks. "Wisconsin Turner" I say quietly. She smiles at me, trying not to laugh. Ha ha Wisconsin, hilarious. I walk past and my favorite person walks up to me. Tessa Wallford. She's considered to be the most popular girl at the school.

"Hey Wisconsin, how was your summer?" she says, rather sweetly. "Fine, thanks." I mutter. I try to move away from but she blocks me from going anywhere. "I just want us to be friends! It's senior year after all, what better time than now." she says fluttering her eyelashes.

"Tessa, I need to get to class." I say. She makes a pouting face at me. What's up with her? Now she wants to be friends. I don't understand why. "What class do you have first?" Tessa asks. Do I really want to tell her? "Honors History" I say softly. Her face lights up and she smiles at me. "No way Wisconsin! Me too!" she squeals and links her arm around mine.

"I can't believe we have the same class! We're going to be the best of friends." she smiles. I force a smile back at her and we continue to walk down the hallway. Heads turn as we basically strut through the hall. "Wisconsin is friends with Tessa now?" I hear someone say to their friend.

Tessa suddenly stops and gasps, "I know your nickname!" I turn towards her and say in confusion, "My what..?" She smiles down at me and claps her hands together, "Winnie! I'm going to call you Winnie! Wisconsin is great an all, but Winnie? It's perfect, don't you think?"

"Uhm sure?" I say and that makes her grin more. We walk into class and sadly we sit by each other. I guess it won't be terrible, Tessa can be smart, when she wants to be.

Don't get me wrong though, she's gorgeous. Silky brown hair, caramel colored eyes, skinny, full lips, long legs. Every guy drools all over her. "Every student please report to the Gymnasium for an assembly. Again, every student please report to the gymnasium for an assembly." the principle says over the loud speaker.

Everyone rushes through the halls and sits in the stands of our gym. The principle walks out and everyone claps for him because if we don't, he'll throw a fit (yeah, it's happened).

"Welcome back to another year of high school. We are pleased to have everyone back and we are excited as ever!" he says and smiles. Some girls would say he's "hot", but I don't think so. I've never had a boyfriend, believe it or not. Actually it's not shocking but, I guess that doesn't matter.

"As you know, changes are being made at school. First off, we are adding spots to the cheer squad, sign ups will be posted soon." My jaw drops. Tessa claps her hands together and smiles at the principle.

"Also, over the summer the school board and I got together and talked about the school as a whole. We'd like to change one thing and I think you all would be very excited to hear" he says leading on the anticipation of every student. "We have decided to get rid of the school uniforms and students are now permitted to wear whatever they please, starting tomorrow."

All of students cheer and applaud for the new "declaration" but everyone hushes when suddenly to door flings open. Whispers spread through the crowd and a boy walks in.

A perfect boy. Not wearing the school uniform but wearing black joggers, a white tank top, and nike sneakers. His fluffy, brown hair perfectly messy. A slight stubble growing on his face. He's gorgeous.

He stares at all of us and our ridiculous uniforms, that we'll no longer need to wear. Thank God. He clasps his hands together and awkwardly stands by the door. The principle walks over to him and they talk for a couple minutes while every girl drools all over him.

The guy sits at the bottom of the stands and the girl next to him looks like she died. I swear, the girls at this school are so dramatic. My gosh. After the assembly is over I walk down with Tessa and she continues to talk my ear off.

"Miss Turner," Mr. Roche stops me, "May I speak to you?" I nod and smile at Tessa who leaves me with the principle as she heads to lunch. The gorgeous boy remains seated and I wonder, what the heck could this be about.

"As you noticed during the assembly we have a new student, River Coleman. He is not the best student but his parents sent him here to hopefully correct his...past."

"Okay and why are you telling me this? I don't really think it's my business." I say and he sighs. "I know it's not, but I think he needs a good student to look up to, and that would be you. Can you just show him around? That's all I'm asking of you Wisconsin."

Look up to? That's hilarious. River is like a giant compared to me. I'm as teeny as an elf compared to River. If anything, I'm the one that should be looking up to him. But for different circumstances than what Mr. Roche is saying.

"Uhm, I guess I can." I say. I'm super socially awkward so this won't be good. I follow Mr. Roche over to River, but I stand behind him. "River, this is one of our top students, she will be showing you around the school and explaining the classes you take."

River stands up and sighs, "Let's get on with it then." He has beautiful eyes. No, snap out of it Wisconsin. Mr. Roche smiles and leaves us alone. I slightly smile at him and he rolls his eyes, "Are you going to tell me what your name is or will I have to guess."

"It's Wisconsin" I say quietly. "Wisconsin? As in the state?" he asks. I groan, "Yes, I know, it's stupid and an ugly name. I've heard it all before."

He laughs a little, "Don't worry, it's a cool name. More original than River. My parents must've looked out the hospital window when they didn't know what to name me. So what's up with the ridiculous uniforms?" I look down at mine, self conscious it looks bad, I mean it does already, but just to make sure.

"Yeah, they're hideous, but starting tomorrow we don't have to wear them." I say and he nods, "Good, I won't have to wear that." He says pointing up and down my body.

I show him around the school and we make small conversation and it isn't terrible. Is it bad I kinda wished it was?

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