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I wake up and realize it's Wednesday morning. Cheer try-outs are today. My coach from my competitive squad said I'll do fabulous and make it. Which I really hope she's correct because I'd want nothing more. I sigh, running a hand through my knotty hair.

I get out of bed, slowly, and drag myself to my closet. "Wisconsin! We have to leave in ten minutes!" my mom calls and my eyes go wider than they ever have before. "Okay!" I yell back but quickly rummage through my closet. I check the time and realized I woke up late.

I pull out a pair of medium washed mom jeans and pair a black belt with silver buckles with it. I quickly throw on a black bra and a black high necked long sleeve. I roll up the sleeves and try to find shoes that'll look okay. I scan my shelving and grab my black, leather, heeled boots.

I quickly throw my wavy hair into a high pony tail and run out the door with my phone and backpack. "Bye Dad! Bye Drew and whoever the hell is still in this house!" I scream opening to door. "Language" my dad shouts from the kitchen. My mom bustles past me and out the door, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah whatever, love you!" I say slamming the door behind me.

I dash to the car and scream "Fuck!" by accident realizing Im wearing no makeup and my glasses are still perched on the bridge of my nose. "Wisconsin Hayley Turner!" my mother squeaks. I get into the car and she slaps my hand. "You will never use that language again! Do you hear me young lady?"

I stare out the window and watch the green, leafy trees stroll by in a blur. Everything feels in a haze. "I said, do you hear me?" my mom thunders. I nod my head and quietly say, "Yes ma'am."


We finally get to Beverly High and I get out of the car saying bye to my mom. I open the glass door and walk into the pristine hallway. Tessa runs up to me and smiles. "Ready for today?" she asks. Right, try-outs. I nervously nod my head and fumble with my fingers. "Winnie, don't be nervous, I've seen you cheer before, and you're really good. Even for the short little peanut you are." Tessa jokes and I lightly hit her.

Suddenly my body goes stiff and I see River walking down the hallway. Of course he has to look gorgeous. Ever since I told River what was going on with my family, we haven't spoken. I don't know why and to be honest it seems like he's avoiding me. "Wow, is there tension between you two or what?" Tessa comments and I nod, distracted by the gorgeous greek god that struts through the corridor.


The bell finally rings and homeroom is over. I get up with Tessa who says bye as she heads to the gym to set up for try-outs. Of course Tessa is on the team, it makes sense. The "hottest" and "most popular" girl on the cheer squad? Wow, not surprising. But I've gotten to know Tessa and she's actually smart and very funny.

I walk down the hallway, keeping my head down. Yeah, I'm an embarrassed teenager with glasses. I just prefer not to wear them. I feel like they make me look dorky. I run into something hard and I glance up to see River. I ty to move out of his way but he goes to the same side I do. It's like a dance and that dance lasts for a continuous moving second hand until River puts his hands on my hips and picks me up. He swings around and places me on the ground. My heart, for some reason, flutters.

I open my mouth to say something, but realizing I can't find any words, I close my mouth, like a fish. He turns around and walks away. I need to say something, anything, "River!" I shout through the hallway. He turns around and walks towards me, once again. "Yes Peaches?" Think Wisconsin, think. Stop staring at him. You look like an idiot. He's waiting, the clock's ticking, he'll walk away.

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