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three weeks later


I wake up to my alarm. Fifteen minutes before I normally do because who knows what Im going to wear today. I'm so indecisive, it's honestly a problem. I get out of bed and turn on my radio. I walk into my closet and search for the perfect outfit to wear to school.

I bob my head to a Drake song that comes on and finally find something. I put on a pair of dark blue, hair waisted jeans, a light blue, cropped, sweater-like tank top, a white cardigan, and white sneakers. I then, not really trying, put my hair into a pony tail.

I quickly apply some makeup and head downstairs. "Morning Dad." I say to him as he looks through pictures of a really nice property. "Morning darling, have you seen your mother this morning?" he asks glancing at my outfit.

"Nope," I say popping the 'p', "She's probably at hot yoga or something." My dad laughs and Drew comes waltzing in the kitchen. Oh how I'd love to slap that smile off of his face. I, of course have to ask a question and I mentally regret asking this, "What's with that cheeky grin of yours?"

"Looks like someone is getting a ride to school today." he says smirking. He saunters away in a fashion that leads me to think he should walk the runway. After, strangely, admiring my brothers walk, I run to the front window. Outside I see a black Camaro pull up to my house. I see River step out of it and my jaw drops. It's like I'm seeing it in slow motion. I quickly run upstairs brushing my teeth as quickly as possible.

I throw in a piece of spearmint gum and grab my book bag. The door bell rings and I scream "I'll get it!" because my parents cannot see him here. Too late. Drew opens and smiles up the steps, evilly. "Uhm hey, I was looking for Wisconsin, she lives here, right?" River says, looking kind of...nervous. But I'm left to ponder on the question: how does he know where I live? Drew looks him up and down. "Depends, who are you?" he replies, standing firmly and crossing his arms so his muscles flex. Pretty intimidating if you don't know he jams out to some Taylor Swift.

"I'm River, River Coleman." he says cooly. He looks good, really good actually. I devour his look with my eyes, wishing he was in fact, mine. No Wisconsin, shut up. Anywho, he's wearing black adida joggers, a white, fitted t-shirt, and a gray and orange wind breaker. His hair is perfectly messy, like always. "And what do you want with Wisconsin?" Drew questions.

I walk down the steps and rest my chin on Drew's shoulder. He looks down at me and I bat my eyelashes at him. "Drew just let me go" he looks at me with suspicious eyes. "Pretty please?" I whisper in his ear with a slight pout. River glances at me, I can feel his eyes boaring into my skin. "I'm handling it." Drew says, clearly not liking the idea of me being alone with River.

"I can't be late to school, you know that right?" I say and that snaps him. He sighs and turns around to look at me. He holds me by my shoulders, crouching to look into my eyes, "If something happens and you need me for anything, call me, I will come and get you, got it?" I smile and punch his chest.

"I'm good Drew, thanks for the concern. See you later, love you!" I say and he hugs me. Holding on to me tightly, "Be safe Wisconsin." I salute to him and smirk when I say, "Rodger that, Sir!" I yell bye to my parents and Adam. Like he'll hear me. He's always either away with Bianca, or doing it up. I shut the door and turn around to face River. "Sorry about Drew, he's quite...protective."

He laughs and my stomach flutters, "I can tell Peaches." I stare at him confused. Did he just call me Peac–"Are you getting in the car?"

"I don't know if that's such a good idea" I say trailing off. He shrugs then gets in the car, "Alright, be late to school, see if I care." He shuts the door and starts the engine. I look back and Drew looks at me with raised brows.

"Wait!" I call, "I'll go with you!" He smirks at me and leans across the seat and opens the door for me. "Hop in Peaches." I roll my eyes and get in the car. I shut the door and River turns on the radio. "What is this shit? You have bad music taste." I comment.

"Oh, Miss Peaches thinks her music is better huh?" he retaliates. I can't take it any longer so I burst out and say, "Why are you calling me Peaches?"

"Because I can and I will, end of story." River says and shrugs. I sigh and turn to look out the window. "Peaches?" he tries but I ignore him. Why can't he just tell me? I don't understand his weird vibe he gives off. "Peaches, please talk to me."

I huff in annoyance but continue to stare out at the passing cars. River slams the breaks and I lurch forward. He holds me back so I don't hit anything. "God dammit Peaches!" he says slamming his hands on the steering wheel. "For fucks sake! Talk to me!"

"I'm the one asking you a question here! Why can't you answer me?" I scream back, but compared to his, it'd seem like talking. "I already told you!" he yells, very loudly.

"O-Okay." I stutter and look back out the window. His outbursts can be very threatening and terrifying. They're loud and something you wouldn't expect. They're something else. Like every bowling ball crashing into the pins at once, knocking every last one down, getting strikes. Or like a heard of elephants running across ice, shattering, and loud snaps echo through the narrow cavern walls.

"Please, just drive." I murmur. He slowly nods and pushes his foot on the gas again. I clutch my seatbelt in my shaking hands. I was expecting him to be like Adam. When he's mad or angry, he'll speed up and drive much faster than the said speed limit. "Peaches, you don't have to grip the seatbelt so hard, we're only going forty miles per hour."

"Sorry, I guess I was just expecting you to be like my older brother." I admit. He looks at me once we reach the stop light then focuses back on the bright red bulb. "The red head?" he questions. I shake my head, "No, not Drew, my oldest brother, Adam."

"Damn, how many brothers do you have Turner?" River asks with a light laugh. "Just two, they're both older than me though. Adam and Drew" I say back, smiling at the thought of my brothers.

"What about you?" I ask and he gives a lopsided, confused look. "What about me?" he asks as if he doesn't know. "I don't know a thing about you, besides the fact our principle is your uncle." I point out.

"Because Peaches, you shouldn't be around someone like me in the first place. I don't fit into your harmless, innocent, pure minded world. I'm the bad guy, the guy you should fear." River rambles on and I don't understand what he means.

"What are you talking about?" I question him, very quietly. We pull up to another stop light and he looks at me. Not a smirk, like usual, but a serious look. "I've done bad things and I shouldn't have done them. They were really bad things Wisconsin and I don't want you to know them now because, I don't want you to be afraid of who I was. Okay?"

I nod my head. I don't want to be scared either. But knowing he's capable of doing bad things, is that something to fear?

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