t h i r t e e n

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I wake to a slight shaking and my eyes flutter open. Drew sits on my bed next to me and I groan. "I'm tired, let me sleep." I say quietly. He sets the landline phone down next to me and stands up, "Alright, then I'll just leave your urgent phone call right there." he says pointing to it and walks out my door.

I quickly sit up and grab the phone, "Hello?" I get up from my bed and walk to my window. "Peaches? That you?" his voice just clicks in my mind. Hearing it sound that broken is heartbreaking. "River, where are you" I ask, knowing what the answer will be.

"The police station, I gotta go." he says quickly. "No, River. Please, you need to talk to me" I say, pacing around my room. "The officers are coming, Im not supposed to be in here, get my uncle"

He hangs up the phone and I sigh. I run my hand through my hair and I run to my closet. I throw on a pair of baggy, nike sweatpants and a white long sleeve crop top. I throw on a pair of sneakers and quickly put my hair up into a pony tail.

Tessa come get me at my house, I'll explain later

I quickly descend the stair case. And my dad stands there, in my way. "Morning honey" he says kissing my forehead. "Did Drew give you your call?"

"Yeah, I got—" I start but my father interrupts. "So what was it? Anything I need to be worried about?" I roll my eyes. Why is he being like this, he never has.

"Nope, just Tessa." I say, "We're going to the hair salon, she wants me to be there when she does something to her hair." I mentally cross my fingers that my lie is good enough. I think my dad believes me when he pulls out his wallet. "If you want to get anything done, here" he hands me four $20 bills. I try to push  it away but he forces it into my palms.

A hear a beep and I almost fall, running to the door. "Gotta go, love you!" I say opening the door. I full on sprint to Tessa's car and fling open the door. "Drive, go, go, go." I say shutting it and buckling with shaky hands.

"Where are we going?"

"To the school, quickly."

She speeds off towards the school and when we get there I hop out of the car as quickly as I can. I run into the building and to Mr. Roche's office. I burst through the door, "You need to help me!"

"Miss Turner what's wrong?" he asks.

"Y-You're nephew is in jail and he c-called me and told me to get you and—"

"Miss Turner, slow down, okay? Everything will be fine. Let's drive down to the station and see what's going on, alright?" Mr. Roche says calmly. I nod my head and he stands up.

I follow him to his car, shocker it's a Cadillac. River's family must be rich. I get into the passenger seat and we drive to the local police station. It's weird being here because I've only ever passed it. I walk towards the front door, Mr. Roche ahead of me.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you today?" an officer asks with a smile, I thought they always had a grimace?

"My nephew is here and—"

"I'll get him and we can talk."

I anxiously stand there, the officer gets up, standing tall and walks into the deep blue door. My breathing quickens and I feel dizzy. "Everything's alright Wisconsin, he's just getting into trouble, which he should, he knows the drill"

He might, but I don't. I don't know what he's done. What could he have done that was so bad? River comes through the door, his hands still behind his back, cuffed.

"Young man, you're lucky that your uncle and girlfriend showed up." the officer says. I try to deny that I'm not his girlfriend, but when I open my mouth River says, "I know sir. I know what I did was wrong and I promise to learn from it"

I've never heard River talk like this before. "Now go home, I don't want to be hearing your name ever again, got it kid?" River nods, the officer motions for Mr. Roche to follow him and they go into his office, clearly going to talk about River.

Once the door closes, I slap River's arm. "What the hell were you thinking?" He doesn't do anything, he just stares at me. "You don't know how scared I've been! River you can't just do that to me."

Nothing. He says nothing. "You know what, I'm done. I'll just call Tessa and have her pick me up." I start to pull out my phone, but River stops me.

"Don't." he takes my phone and puts it in his pocket so I can't get it. "Give it back." I say, staring intensely into his eyes. "River I swear to God, I'm not in the fucking mood. Give. Me. My. Phone."

"You're not leaving without me." he says. "Just wait for my uncle, okay?" I sigh. I sit in a black chair and fix my hair. "You're fucking stupid" I mutter. He leans down to my level and picks up my chin. "What was that babe?" River asks, his eyes darkening.

"N-Nothing" I cowardly say. Wow, so much for the self-confidence I thought I had.

"It was something. I'm not deaf, you know." he gives me a little smirk. Leaning closer, once again. Deja vu hitting me like a truck.

The door clicks open and River straightens up, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He glances back down at me again.

I stand up and he whispers in my ear, "You got saved"

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