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"Have you ever been to Rosie's Diner?" River asks. I casually glance at him, but shake my head. I couldn't even tell you what they look like. "How is it that I've been living here for only a couple months and I know more about this town than you?"

"I don't go looking for social places." I say, being mostly serious. He turns onto a straight road and proceeds to carefully drive. "And that's your problem, you don't get out enough!" he states, being completely right.

"It's not my fault I just made like all of my friends this year." I shrug. But then I realize, he's had to make new friends. Moving seems hard, imagine just picking up your life and moving it somewhere else. But according to River, it's his fault he had to move.

"Well, you have me. I'll do anything with you." he says, giving me a sweet smile. We pull up to the small diner. It's neon sign brightly shining and welcoming us. I hop out of the large car and walk towards the entry way. River opens the door and I head in, thanking him.

"For two please." River tells the hostess. She's wearing an outfit that you'd see in the movies, a light blue dress that comes down around mid-thigh. The dress has the white collar and white ends to the sleeves with a thin, dark red trim. A white apron is tied around her waist and white little sneakers are laced around her feet.

She leads us to a booth and places menus and silverware. "Thank you" River says, offering her a tiny ounce of what could be a smile. I look around the place and take in what a diner looks like.

"This place is amazing" I say, taking it all in. River gives me a small chuckle and it's the most warming sound I've ever heard. I glance over the menu and look up to see River watching me.

"What?" I ask him. He shakes his head then looks away from my eyes. "Tell me" I prod. He sighs and looks back at me. "I just like looking at you when you experience something new. Your eyes just open wide and you take in your surroundings and pay attention to the details. All just because you're so curious and it's amazing."

I give him a small smile and the waitress comes over. We place our order and wait for our food, making casual conversation. "I was going to ask you to spend the night, but seeing that my mom is home, I don't think that's such s good idea." River says sighing.

"Why is she home anyways?" I ask. He gives a small shrug. Looking from my face down to the table. "She claims her work trip was done, but I think something has to deal with my dad."

I nod, waiting for him to continue with more. "I think my parents need to split up." I give him a look of concern, "What? Why?"

"They clearly don't make each other happy and they're always so far apart due to work." Before I can reply, the waitress comes back and sets down our meals. I say a quiet, "Thank you" and she walks away with a smile.

We begin to eat our food, less conversation now since our mouths are full. An idea springs into my head, a bad, but good, idea. "What if we snuck you into my house. Drew leaves early in the morning for work, he'll be gone when we wake up."

"You sure Turner?" River asks, his brow cocked up. I give a nod, eating another fry. "Alright, I'll park a couple houses down and go through your window."

"No, just come through my front door, the steps are there as soon as you walk in." I counter. He gives a nod and we decide it's a plan.


"So I'll go inside and distract Drew so you can go up to my room" I tell River and he nods. I unlock the door and step in, moving out of the way for River's large frame.

I walk into the living room and talk to Drew for a couple minutes then tell him I'm heading up to bed. "Remember I have to work tomorrow so I'll be leaving around 6."

Perfect, I think to myself. But I just nod in response.

I walk to the steps but once I reach the bottom I run to the top and down the hall. I go into my somewhat messy room and close the white door behind me. A body closes in on mine and pushes me against the door.

"River, what are you doing?" I try to ask but he soon captures my lips with his own. His hand runs down my body, pressing his to mine. I push on River's chest to make him stop. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I-I just don't want you thinking this'll turn into something more..." I say quietly. He nods and picks up my chin, "It won't. We don't need to have sex because that's not what makes a relationship."

"A relationship?" I question.

"No not like that, I'm not, I mean we're not." he starts then runs a hand through his hair, "Are we?" I give a small shrug, walking over to my bed. "Let's just go to sleep." River decides.

I give a slow, but kind of an assuring nod. River starts to strip out of clothes until his Calvin Klein's are remaining. Fuck it. I take off my cardigan and tank top, then my jeans and socks.

I get into bed and River slides in next to me. His warmth radiates under the covers, my skin tingling at the fulfilling sensation. I feel his skin come in contact with mine, his muscles clearly prominent and sculpted to perfection.

River's strong arms wrap around my waist, holding me close to him. This boy's arms provide safety, like nothing will go wrong, but if something did, he'd protect me.

The sound of River's deep breaths calm me and I instantly fall asleep.

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