t h r e e

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I walk to my seventh period class and notice River walking my way. I move to the right side of the hallway and continue to walk. He won't talk to me. I eye him carefully and notice blood on his hands. Except it seems to not be his. I look up at his face and it's blank.

"River Coleman and Wisconsin Turner, please report to the principle's office." a secretary says over the loud speaker. I glance at River who smirks. I walk furiously into the office. Moments later River shows up.

"Punching a kid in class. Was that really a smart move Mr. Coleman?" Mr. Roche starts and drops a file on the desk. He sighs and folds his hands on the desk. "What am I going to do with you River?"

I sit there though, waiting for him to mention me. How do I fit into this? "Miss Turner!" Mr. Roche snaps. "I thought I told you to make sure he understood the ground rules! History cannot repeat itself for Mr. Coleman."

What does he mean? I look over at River who has an annoyed glare on his face. I'd love to wipe it off his face. "I'm sorry Mr. Roche. I thought I established the main points. I didn't know this was going to occur." I say softly.

I think he realizes I'm terrified of him. His hard stare behind his large wooden desk. His eyes staring intensely into mine. "It's okay Wisconsin, you may wait outside the office, I need to have a talk with your classmate."

I get up and nod. I sit on the bench outside and play with my fingers until I hear a loud slam. "I told your mother I wouldn't let anything happen while you were here! Do you know how important this is to your her?" Mr. Roche yells.

River says something but I can't make out what it was. "No River! You don't understand what's going on! You think that at this rate you won't go back there? We both know what happened to you and how that facility and multiple programs was supposed to help you"

What facility? What programs? What is Mr. Roche talking about? I thought River was just the standard "bad boy". Causes some mischief, but not something serious.

"River, I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help your mom. I can't be the one to put in all of the effort. I don't want you to go back to that place again. We both know it will destroy you if you do." Mr. Roche says and I can imagine him sighing.

"I know, I can't go back there. But I can't change who I am." River says. I sit there confused, I tug at my skirt, waiting for Mr. Roche to say something.

"River, I'm willing to help you, but I feel like Wisconsin could too. She's a wonderful girl. A smart one too. Wisconsin would be good for you. I'm not saying completely change who you are, but you need to be a better guy River."

"I'm trying Uncle George." River says and my jaw drops. He's his uncle? Thats why he's trying to help him. "And now Wisconsin knows you're my uncle."

Crap did I say that out loud. No, no, no. I couldn't have. I'm going to get in so much trouble. "Go get her River."

I hear footsteps and I scoot down to the other side of the bench. I look the other direction so it seems as if I wasn't paying attention. "Wisconsin, Mr. Roche wants you to come in"

I silently walk in and look down. I sit in the expensive, smooth, leather chair. "I didn't hear anything I swear!" I quickly chirp. Wow, convincing.

"Miss Turner, you in fact did. What you heard has to be kept a secret. My nephew cannot have that attention." Mr. Roche comments. I nod my head, understanding what he says. "Now, since you know the little secret, can you do a favor for me?"

River groans and tries to object, but fails, miserably. "You have to follow my nephew around, make sure he doesn't get into trouble"

"Mr. Roche, I-I don't feel comfortable with that." I say but he doesn't care. I'm doing it anyways I guess. "Alright you two are dismissed." Mr. Roche says as the final bell rings.

I quickly stand up and leave the office, River following behind me. "Yo Turner wait up!" I don't stop walking, I continue to look around for my moms car. "Wisconsin! Slow down!"

I turn around and storm towards River, "What?" I splutter. "What do you want that's so absolutely important!" He looks startled but at the moment, I don't really care.

"I just thought we could go hang out, considering the fact we'll be together a lot this year, we should get to know each other." he says and I roll my eyes slightly.

"I need to go home and help my brothers, maybe I'll catch you later! Bye River." I say and walk away spotting my car. I hop in and turn to give my mom a kiss on the cheek when I see my brother.

"Drew? Why are you picking me up?" I question. He smiles and laughs. I love his laugh. It's so calming. Like you know how you feel so scared or stressed and then that one person laughs or smiles or even just talks and it calms you down? That's how Drew is. No offense to Adam or anything, but Drew is my favorite brother.

"Moms at a yoga class. Who was that boy you were talking to?" Drew asks smirking at me. "It was no one, can you just drive?"

"Oh, is he your boyfriend, Wisconsin?" Drew asks cocking an eyebrow at me. I shove his arm and look out the window. "No, he is not! Please just leave the school already!"

"Okay, Wisconsin, whatever you say"

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