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"You better go back with your teammates now. Or I will slam your head into this bench, you got that?" River snarls through clenched teeth. The poor guy looks scared, he nods and quickly runs away. I push River away from me and hit him. "What the fuck was that?" He gives me an amused smile. That evil shit. Just because I'm talking to guy he has to do that. What if I did that every time he was talking to a girl?

The ref blows his whistle and River puts his helmet back on, giving me a smirk. He runs back onto the field and everyone cheers. I roll my eyes, they can't get enough of this guy. The play starts and River throws the ball to Jordan.

Without warning, or any signs of this happening, River tackles Jake to the ground. You can hear the thud as a body hits the turf. I wince at the sound and watch River throw a punch at him. One punch, two, three. The play continues, but everyone is in shock as their quarterback beats the living shit out of the other teams player. The ref finally blows the whistle and runs over to the two fighting boys.

River won't get off Jake and continues to punch him. Even his teammates try to get him off Jake, but it's not working. Not thinking, I drop my poms and run onto the field. "Wisconsin! What are you doing?" I hear Tessa yell. "She's dead" Arianna says, quite loudly. I push my way through the coaches, football players and some of the refs, until I lay my eyes on River.

"RIVER STOP IT NOW!" I scream at the top of my lungs. As if it's a reflex, he stops punching the poor boy. But, the 'poor boy' didn't go without punching the quarterback, River has a black eye. Of course. Jake punches him, even though he's stopped. I walk over to the two immature babies and grab River's wrist. I yank him up to his feet, the 6'3 monster stands tall over me and I hit his chest. "What are you doing?!" I shout, "You don't just hit a guy for no reason."

I grab his hand and pull him along with me as I push through the surrounding people. I walk to the field house and swing open the door. Even though I'm not supposed to be in here, because it's only for the guys, I don't really care. I walk farther back into it and scrunch up my nose at the stench of sweaty boys. I finally find the bathroom and lead River into it.

"Sit there." I tell him, pointing to the bench. "Yes ma'am" he says with an attitude. I roll my eyes, "Don't get smart with me. If you hadn't stopped punching Jake, you could've killed him. Oh, you're welcome for stopping you." I say. I find a towel and wet it from the sink. I walk over to River and stand in between his legs. He's still tall sitting down.

I hold back his hair and wipe his face down with the towel, collecting dirt and blood from his skin. River holds onto my hips and a warm, fuzzy feeling appears in my body. "Why did you punch him?" I ask.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you." River says quietly. I carefully rub the towel over the gash in River's lip, "That wasn't a reason to punch him." I respond. He winces and grips my waist harder than before. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't start a fight with him."

"It was worth it so now he won't lay his sex eyes on you ever again." River shrugs. I roll my eyes for what must be the thousandth time tonight. "He wasn't looking at me with 'sex eyes'" I say. River chuckles, "You might not have seen them, but I did."

"Okay can you stop? That hurts!" River cries out. "Well if you don't want your cuts to get infected I have to be doing this!" I say back, somewhat louder.

"I didn't ask you to do this."

"Oh, just like I didn't ask you to punch Jake, right?" I snark, "This can go both ways River."

He lets out a breath. Clearly he's annoyed with me, but I can't just let him off the hook with beating up a guy. I finish wiping his face and I drop my hands to his. I pick them up and wipe off Jake's blood the covers his knuckles and sigh when I'm finished.

"I don't need protected." I say out loud. River let's out a small laugh and drapes his arms around me, once again. "Sometimes I think you do" he shrugs, "You aren't that intimidating, you know. If a 5 foot girl came running at me, I wouldn't run away" I glare at him and scoff, "I am 5'2, thank you very much"

"Oh, now I'm definitely scared." River says sarcastically. I try to move away from him to throw the towel in the trash, but he pulls me back. His hands move up my body until they. reach my face.

River pulls me closer and our foreheads rest against each other's. I feel his breath on my lips and I shudder. River's thumb grazes my cheek. Our lips get closer and closer and they're about to meet but a voice interrupts the action. "River Coleman! Wisconsin Turner!"

"We're back here!" River calls as I quickly pull away from him, throwing the towel away. An officer appears in the doorway, "Miss, you aren't supposed to be in here." he says. I bite my lip and River starts to speak up but the officer cuts in, "I don't want to hear it from you, son. She has a voice, let her use it"

"I'm so sorry sir, I was just cleaning the blood off him." I say, stumbling over my words. "Alright." the officer nods, "You can leave, I need to have a word with Mr. Coleman." I walk out the entry and look back at River, he doesn't seem fazed what-so-ever.

I head out of the field house and the cheer squad stands several feet away from it. Tessa spots me first, says something to the other girls, and they all run over to me.

"What did the officer say?"

"What happened?"

"Is he okay? Are you okay?"

Are some of the questions that get throw at me. My mind jerks around, trying to hear and understand each question. But I focus again when the sight I didn't want to see, appears.

River walks out of the field house with the officer, in handcuffs.

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