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Smackdown Champions

Tag Team
The New Day


United States
Samoa Joe



Smackdown Live
4 weeks till Royal Rumble

Tom: Welcome to the first Smackdown Live of 2019. Tom Philips, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton here. Happy New Year, gentlemen.

Graves: Thank you, Philips. Nothing like celebrating the new year with some Smackdown action.

Saxton: Especially when it's Royal Rumble season. Last night on Raw, we learn some names on who going to be in the mens and women whose going in the Royal Rumble Match.

Tonight, we'll learn The Smackdown superstars who'll join the match.

Tom: We do know who is the first Smackdown superstar whose joining the Men's Royal Rumble Match.


The red lit room surrounded by darkness was the location of The Big Bad Wolf. His back was turned showing the back of his shirt with his wolf head insignia with the RZ on it.

He turn around, revealing the front of the shirt that said "Heartless, Soulless, Hellbent."

"I am Public Enemy #1. Everyone in The WWE wants my head. I can end the careers on all the hard working men and women with an iron fist to Raij's face.

"I journey to see if people show why they're here when they battle men. I want them to pour their heart, soul, blood, and sweat in the ring.

"I wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for Raij the coward. But, there is another way.

"At The Royal Rumble, I will show 29 men, Raw, Smackdown, whoever how heartless, how soulless I really am. I will destroy those who stand in my way to face Raij for The WWE Championship at Wrestlemania.

"For those brave 29 men, may whoever you pray for help because they can't save you...from me."


Tom: Rahzel is the first of many Smackdown superstars to enter The Rumble. But will Raij walk out of The Royal Rumble as WWE Champion?

As of today, General Manager, Lilith Ace tweeted out

PuertoRicanButterfly🇵🇷: Due to the interference of (TheRealScottAce♠♣♦) Scottie Ace last weeks #sdlive #wildcardfinals, (IndiasGoldenBoy🇮🇳) Raij will face FinnBálor at #RoyalRumble.

Also (TheRealScottAce♦♣♠) is hereby #fired.

Graves: Our General Manager fired her husband via a tweet!

Saxton: He deserved it for his interferences in two WWE title matches!

Tom: The challenger, Finn Bálor reply to the news, saying:

Rahzel: My Revenge, Year 3 Part One (WWE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now