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•••••Benjamin's Perspective

"It doesn't look like it's gonna stop anytime soon." Josh said, looking out the window at the parking lot. The sky above was painted a dark, ugly blue-gray, and the light pattering of rain was heard on the roof. "If anything, I think it's gonna get harder."

"Should I call Sky and tell him to hurry up?" I asked, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

Josh shrugged. "Text him."

I opened up the direct message.


«Where are you»


«Are you texting and driving?»

«No, we're stuck right now»

«hurry up»

«Aiden's trying to get me to go through a shortcut»

«So why aren't you?»

«Cause it's through an area that I don't know.»

«Sky please just take the shortcut»

«I am not going through uncharted waters with precious cargo onboard.»
«Cars are moving again. See you there»

"He's being an overly-cautious driver again." I said, setting my phone down on the table.

"Can you blame him? He's almost been killed by a car twice."

"He's about to drive Aiden crazy, though."

Josh shook his head. "He's been driving her crazy since he met her."

Sky and his girlfriend finally arrived about ten minutes later, which was a much shorter wait time than we expected.

"Where's your 'precious cargo'?" I asked Sky as he sat down next to me. "Did Aiden bring her violin?"

Sky shook his head. "Aiden is precious cargo."

"Aww," I teased, nudging him.

"She's mad at me right now, though." He glanced up at her as she took the seat next to Josh. "Cause I was driving slow."

Aiden exhaled slowly and pointed at Sky. "I am about to break into your apartment and kill you in your sleep."

"Please don't." He said, unfazed. "I'd like to live long enough to see the second half of the tour." He was blinking slowly, as if his eyelids were fighting to stay closed, and his words were strung together.

"Is Skybelle sick?" Josh asked in a patronizing tone.

Aiden shook her head. "Baby's tired. Rehearsals got him good."

"Oh, you can't be mad at him when he's tired." I said, pinching his cheek between my thumb and index finger. "Look at his poor little face."

"Get off of me, please." Sky said drowsily. His voice sounded funny, as he tried to talk with a part of his face being immobilized.

Aiden stared at the both of us, her eyes flickering back and forth from my face to Sky's. After a few more seconds of holding her ground, she gave up.

"Fine. Switch with me."

Josh laughed as I stood up and took Aiden's spot, and she took mine.

As soon as she sat down, Sky immediately laid his head against her shoulder and closed his eyes.

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