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•••••Aiden's Perspective

"And how did that end?" My mom asked, propping her chin up on her hand.

I laughed, recalling the way Ben had described it. "She slapped him."

My mom's jaw dropped. "She slapped the clown?"

"So Ben says."

She smiled. "How are the two of them doing?"

"Really good, from what I understand." I returned her grin. "I'm excited to see where it goes."

"Keep me posted on that,"

I rolled my eyes; my mom had always had a bit of an inner gossip girl. "You and Josh would get along pretty well."

She gasped at the name. "How is my favorite ray of sunshine?"

"Adorable as ever, still a precious baby that needs protection from the world's cruelty."

"Tell him I said 'hi'."

"Oh my gosh!" A very loud exclamation came from the doorway, followed by Sky bounding across the room and jumping up on the bed next to me. "Is that your mom?"

My mom sighed, rolling her eyes. "Hello, Sky."

He waved. "Hi, Mrs. Tracer!"

"How have you been doing?"

"I'm doing great!" He replied, his smile resembling that of a five-year-old receiving candy. "How are you?"

She shrugged, glancing at her nails in disinterest. "Mediocre."

His smile faltered. "That's unfortunate."

"Indeed it is." She heaved a deep and dramatic exhale. "Alright, I'll talk to you both later."

"Okay, bye, Mrs. Tracer." Sky gave her another, more defeated, wave.

"Have a nice evening, Sky." My mom nodded before returning her gaze to me. "I'll see you in Florida, poet."

"Bye, mom." I bade her farewell, giving her a look.

She responded by shooting me a wink before she cut the connection.

Sky frowned, turning over to lay on his back. "Why doesn't your mom like me?"

"Well, I don't like you either, so," I shrugged, standing up and sliding my phone into my pocket.

"I'm so unloved." He whimpered.

I rolled my eyes and checked the time on the clock on the wall. "It's about time for us to go, isn't it?"

His eyes lit up. "My appointment is at seven!"

"And it's almost 6:50." I nodded, looking him over. "Do you have everything you need?"

He tilted his head. "What do you think I should bring?"

"Oh, I don't know, like," I ticked the items off on my fingers, "your phone, your jacket, your shoes,"

"Why do you think I'd run down the hotel hallways without shoes on?"

I gestured to his feet. "Because you did, Sky."

He looked down at his socks. "Oh."

By the time we got back to the boys' hotel room and retrieved Sky's shoes, we were getting pretty close to being late for his "appointment".

He practically ran down the sidewalks, dragging me along with him and endangering both of our lives by sprinting in front of cars.

But, luckily, we made it there without any accidental—or purposeful—deaths.

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