Chapter 6

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Julian Pierre POV.

My head's banging from the hangover I have, I had to lower the curtains in my room so the sunlight wouldn't have any effect on me. I went partying last night again, and I bumped into Claudette Hatcher, one of London's most beautiful socialites. She was too pretty, I had to take her to my penthouse just at the outskirts of the city. When I woke up this morning, I found her half naked by my side. I couldn't help but chuckle at how easy a prey she was. I want to sleep because of the headache but I remember that we are going to receive a new important staff today. Dad's been so excited about her arrival that he's been prepping me about what to do even though he said she requested that she wasn't given special treatment because of how rich her dad was. She just wants to be treated equally. I find it so annoying that she wants that, like I will treat her special even if she was the Queen's eldest granddaughter. If she wants to be treated like a normal employee, I'll give her just that.

I quickly take my bath and go downstairs for breakfast. Nana, my house help, a fifty something year old woman who always takes care of the house makes my coffee every morning.

“Good morning sir. " She says as she looks at me walk into the kitchen.

“Good morning Nana, how are you? " I ask smiling.

“I'm fine sir, your breakfast is ready. " Nana says serving me with my coffee.

“Thank you. " I say and take a quick drink of my coffee which helps with my headache. When I'm done, I kiss Nana goodbye and also warn her.

“Nana, there's a half naked girl in my room, please don't be mean to her. " I end and kiss her again.

“Half naked girl! " She shouts. “Oh sir, when will you ever be serious with love, you've got to stop using girls like that otherwise you'll be repaid the same way. "

I throw my head back and laugh, “ Oh Nana, don't think I'll ever fall in love, I'm not going to do that. "

“What, you wait and see, you're world is going to be turned upside down when that time comes, that's when you'll know. " She ends chuckling and I shake my head.

“Nana, I won't return here today, I'll stay in the mansion in central London." I say.

“Till when? " Nana asks concerned.

“Oh, I don't know. " I say.

“So I won't see you again my son. " Nana says sad and I kiss her hands.

“Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Alright. " I end smiling.

“Okay, but it's because of that girl in your room isn't it? " She says annoyed.

“See you later Nana! " I shout laughing as I exit the penthouse. I walk outside and sit in my car without saying anything to the driver. We driver for about and hour before getting to the headquarters of the Pierre companies, which belongs to my dad, Jason Pierre who retired a year ago because of his old age. Now, I take care  of his companies.

Immediately I land, my bodyguard and very good friend Igor, opens the door for me.

“Good morning, my friend. " Igor says to me smiling.

I sigh, “Good morning. "

“How's your headache from yesterday's party. " Igor asks smiling.

“It's better now Igor, no need to worry. " I say annoyed.

“Sorry Julian but you've got to tone down on the partying. Just because you have some sort of immunity so no one can take pictures of you doesn't mean that you have to be rowdy, be a gentleman. And no need to tell me, I know that you sent another girl to the penthouse. " He ends shaking his head and I just smirk.

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