Chapter 26

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Abigail's POV.

It's a cold chilly Monday morning and I arrive to work on time despite the fact that I woke up late. God is good!!

I walk hurriedly to my office when I'm stopped by a voice.

“Abigail!!! "I hear Igor shout.

“Hey Igor, how are you doing? "I ask him as I give him a hug.

“Oh I'm well, how was the weekend? " He asks me.

“It was alright. " I say smiling.

“Well I'll leave you to work now. I think you'll have a lot on your desk because even Julian had a lot. He was even asking of you. " He ends smiling and I smile back nodding. “I think he needs your help even if he won't admit it. " He says and I throw my head back and laugh.

“Alright, goodbye then. " He says and walks away. I look at him thinking about what he said about Julian asking of me. I know it's not about the work, he's just checking up... Or maybe it's the work. I don't know, my hearts been racing since yesternight after he dropped me off. I don't want to think about him or about anything related to him but I find my mind betraying me. I don't even know how to behave when I see him.

I just sigh and enter my office and as Igor said, there are stacks of papers. I hung my jacket and get started. Reading and calculating and analyzing till lunch. I get up to stretch a little and realized I need some milk. So I get out of my office to go to the canteen for it and return soon enough. As I walk towards the canteen, I see Lionel walking my way. I turn my back around to walk a different direction but he sees me fast enough.

“Abby!! " He shouts and runs towards me.

I fake a smile, “Hey, Lionel... How are you doing? " I ask.

He smiles, “I'm doing well, how was the weekend? "

I nod, “It was well. "

“That's good... You know I was about to get to your office and take you to lunch but since you're on your way, we can go together. "

I nod and we walk to the canteen. We take our food and sit on a table with our friends.

“Hey Abby!! " Peter says and high fives me.

“Hi. " I respond.

“So I heard there was a party at your dads organization. How was it? " Peter asks me and Lionel looks at me confused.

“Yeah, I had fun. " I say stuffing my mouth with food.

Lionel looks at me confused. “There was a party at your dads organization? " He asks me.

“Yeah... " I say smiling noticing Lionel's awkwardness which I known is a result of his over egotistical mouth that goes around giving people ideas that we are dating.

I finish and decide to excuse myself and leave but Lionel follows me.

“Why didn't you tell me? " He asks.

I look at him confused, “Uhh, I didn't think I should..." I say stopping in my tracks.

“Why? "He asks me and his tone gets me annoyed.

“You're not my boyfriend, I don't have to tell you anything. "I say annoyed.

He chuckles, “Oh ok, I'm sorry... I thought we were more than friends. "

I look at him confused, “What?? Of course not, we are nothing like that. " I tell him extremely annoyed. “We are just friends and that is that. I do not like how you've been stalking me, trying to get me to look like I'm going out with you. I've noticed Lionel, I've just ignored it. If you want us to still be friends then please, stop pretending to be someone you're not. " I say angrily and leave him standing there dumbfounded.

When I get to my door, I turn around only to see Lionel talking to Julian. I'm hit with shock and confusion because I don't know where he came from. But I don't care, I'm sure it's about business. I shrug and enter my office only to continue my very demanding work.

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