Chapter 24

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Abigail POV.

Where the hell is that boy!!! I've been standing outside my apartment for an hour. I told him that church was at 8, it's already 9:15. He better not had stood me up....

I finally see a black saloon car moving towards me. It parks right in front of me and the owner gets out and walks hurriedly to me.

I frown.

“Where in this world have you been? " I ask him.

He sighs as he stands in front of me making me lift my head at him.

“I'm really sorry alright. I didn't go to sleep early last night plus you know that I'm not used to waking up early on Sundays. Please forgive me. " He ends giving me a fake grin.

I can't help but smile and end up laughing.

“What's that for? " I ask him smiling.

He smiles, “To soften the punishment. " I look at him and shake my head. Who would have thought that Julian had a silly side.

I sigh, “Look, we're late let's just get going before the sermon ends alright. "

He smiles and nods. He opens the door for me and when I enter he closes it shut and runs to his seat. He ignites the car engine and starts to drive. I can't help but stare at him and smile.

“What is it? " He asks consciously. “Is there something on my face? "

I chuckle, “No, no. You're fine. " I say.

He smiles and looks ahead. I look outside the window trying to distract myself from the tension in the car.

I hear Julian clearing his throat.

“So how was your night? " He asks.

“Oh, it was okay. I was very tired so I slept easily." I say. “You? "

He shrugs, “Yeah, I had to finish some stuff so that I wouldn't have work today. But I slept well too, that's why I was late. " He ends grinning and I smile.

“Oh..." I say confused. “Julian, I didn't give you the directions to the church... How do you know where we're supposed to go? " I ask.

He smiles, “Well, I got in contact with your driver, James. " He says and I open my eyes in shock. WHAT!!! That means he knows that I lied...

He looks at my facial expression and laughs.

I can't help but duck my head in shame.

“Don't worry Abby, I won't hold it on you. I know that this was your way to bring me to church and honestly, I'm not upset. It's been a while since I went to one, I might as well visit one again. "

He looks at me and smiles. “Don't be ashamed, I actually like your tactics. It's really smart. " He ends winking and I laugh out loud.

“Oh Lord! " I say at the end. “I should have been smarter. So you called him to ask for directions only. "

He nods, “Yeah, then I asked him how his wife was. He told me that she was alright. Then I asked if they had left the hospital, he said that they had never been to the hospital and that his wife and him were completely fine. " He ends grinning and I close my eyes in shame as he laughs.

“We're here. " He says.

He gets down and opens my door for me. I thank him and he locks his car.

He takes a deep breath and I notice how tense he is. I hold his hand and squeeze it.

“It's going to be okay. " I tell him and he nods and squeezes my hand back. I lead him into the church and luckily, we're in time for praises. I put my bag down and begin to clap my hands and begin to dance. Julian just stands and clap but I can't help it, I move my body to the rhythm and lift my hands singing. When it's over, I sit and I realise that Julian is looking at me with shock.

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