Chapter 22.

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Abigail POV

“What is it? Please... " I beg Julian.

“It's the words of the song... They were deep. " He tells me.

“Oh really... " I say and he nods. “How? " I ask him and he sighs.

“I used to love going to church, read the Bible like its a girls diary, I'd do anything to get close to God... " He says laughing and I laugh back. “But then  my mom passed away with cancer when I was 17. The friends I thought I had at Bible study stopped visiting cause the parties stopped, the preacher never visited and my dad got worse. I was bullied, abused, left behind. " He says. I see him trying to stop the tears.

“Don't!! " I say to him. “Let the tears flow... They've been inside too long. " Then I hug him. I sense his surprise but he hugs me back.

“Tonight, the song just made me think that what if God was still with me during that time... What if He was. " He says sobbing on me and I release him from our hug to look at him.

“Julian He was with you. Why do you doubt? " I ask wiping his tears. He turns away from me and rubs his blonde hair.

“Abigail, if He was then why didn't He do anything? Why didn't He help me, everyone left me... My mother left me. " He says. I look at him and I see the pain, the hurt.

I sigh, “Julian, God will not do anything if you do not ask Him to... I'm sorry you lost your mom at that age, I can't imagine what it is like, but if all those people left you at that time, then shame on them. But what I'd tell you is that God will not do anything without you asking Him... He knows you need it, but He wants you to ask because that way it shows that you're humble and you really, really desire Him at that time. I'm really sorry that that was what you went through. But in everything we go through, we grow through it so we can have a story to tell someone, to help someone. " I say.

Julian looks at me and I hold his hand.

“Yes, all those hurtful things happened to you, but if you let them mark you, you'll be scared for life. Rather, let them teach you and let you grow and bloom into something beautiful. " I say.

Julian shrugs, “I don't know, I just don't know what to believe anymore." He says turning away.

I turn his face back to me.

“Believe in Him Julian... Believe in Him alone. He's still calling you, and if you don't answer that call, you'll miss a lot. " I say.

He looks at then turns back. He looks at me and gives me a hug. I'm taking by surprise but I'm glad, that he's okay.

“Thank you Abigail... It's been a while since anyone cared for me, well, aside my Nana. " He tells me and releases me from the hug.

I look at him, “Really, so who's this Nana? " I ask.

He smiles and holds my hands, “She's an elder woman who my dad employed to take care of the penthouse her bought me when I turned 18, she's been my mom since. " He tells me.

“Wow, I'd like to meet her. She sounds nice. " I say and he chuckles.

“Trust me, she'll be excited to see you. " He tells me and I become suspicious but he changes the subject.

“Uhhh, I'm sure the others are wondering where we are now. Let's go back. " He pulls me back inside. The diner has ended and people are just talking in groups. I see my siblings at the far corner of the room. We walk towards them.

“Where have you been? " Israel asks me concerned.

“Oh, we went outside to talk that's all. Don't be worried. " I tell Israel to reassure him. He nods and smiles.

“Well, we were waiting for you to come, we wanna take our leave. " Nick says to me.

“Oh okay... " I say. I walk to hug him.

“Be careful of that guy sis, I don't want you hurt. " Nick says to me when I get close. I sigh and nod.

I go to Israel and hug him, then I hug Yasmine. Julian shakes the hands of all of them, including Nick.

After saying goodbye, we all walk outside the the building and into our cars.

“I think Nicolas hates me." Julian says to me when we sit in the car. He turns on the engine and starts to drive.

“What!! No!! " I say playfully and he looks at me with a smile.

“You know you're lying right? " He asks me.

“Well alright... But he doesn't hate you, it's just because I'm his sister. " I say.

He smiles, “So is this how he behaves with every guy you bring home. " He asks

I smile, “Well, let's just say that I've never brought a guy home before." I say.

He looks at me shocked, “What? " He asks and I laugh.

“Hey, no big deal alright. " I say trying to be cool.

He shakes his head. “I don't understand... Like, you're the most beautiful woman I've seen... Why? " He asks and I can't help but duck my head shyly.

I shrug, “I don't know, I guess I'm just waiting, you know. "

He shrugs, “So you've never dated anyone before? " He asks.

I shrug, “Yeah, but I've been asked out many times. It's just that I'm not sure anyone will be willing to wait for me, you know. "

He looks at me confused and I sigh.

“Look, I'm practicing purity... " I say looking down at the ring my dad gave me when I was 18.

“This ring was given to me by my dad to always remind me that true love waits. I mean, it's not like I wouldn't like to be intimate with someone, it's just that I would like that person to be the one, you know. The one I get married to. I made a promise to myself and God to keep myself for my husband. I'm not giving myself to anyone else. " I sigh. “That's why I haven't brought any guy home, because I'm not sure anyone will be willing to wait for me. " I say almost like a whisper then I look at him.

He has this look, whether of admiration, I don't know, but he smiles at me before turning his head away.

“Your beautiful Abigail... " Julian says to me. “Any guy would be stupid not to wait for you... I know I would. " He ends smiling at me again and I can't help but feel shocked, confused, happy, all of these feelings mixed together.

I duck my head shyly before Julian stops the car.

“You're home. " He says and gets down to open the door for me.

“Thank you. " I say as he walks me to my door.

“Umm... Julian, can I ask you for a favour? " I ask him and he looks at me concerned.

“Yeah, what is it? " He asks.

“Well, my driver James texted me back at the party. He said his wife was at the hospital and he had to be there so he wouldn't be able to pick me up tomorrow morning for church, I was hoping that you'd be able to take me there tomorrow." I say trying to sound confident even though I'm lying.

He looks at me for sometime and then smiles.

“Sure... " He says nodding. “I think I'm available tomorrow so I'll be able to, what time? " He asks. I can't help but smile broadly.

“At 8..." I shout.

He chuckles, “Sure, I'll be here. "

“Thank you Julian. " I smile. “Good night. " I say.

“Good night. " He responds.

“Abigail... " I hear him call me and I turn around. “Thank you, for tonight. "

I nod my head and smile, “Sure, what are friends for? " I say.

I don't know, but I think I saw him wince. He smiles at me and then gets in the car. I watch the car drive off before I get into the building.

This night has been long and I need a good rest before tomorrow.

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