Chapter 7

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Hey guys! New part for you lovely people! I stayed up til 4 am last night talking to my friends so they could keep me awake while i finished writing this. Hope it meets your expectations and another part should be up soon! Hope you enjoy it!

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Much Love <3



Of fucking course. I stood up and walked into the bathroom and locked the door. Sliding down against the door until I was sitting on the floor, I started crying. I couldn’t believe it. He really was playing me. god, I’m so stupid.

I heard yelling outside the bathroom but I didn’t care. Someone knocked on the door. “Go the fuck away!” I screamed.

“It’s me Lzzy,” Ashley said.

“Are you alone?”

“Nikki’s still here. but Andy’s gone.”

Slowly I stood up and opened the door. Ashley looked at me sadly. “You knew.”

He nodded and looked down at his feet. “I’m sorry Lzzy.”

I shook my head. “Just don’t.” I walked past him and packed all of my stuff up. I grabbed my two bags and Nikki caught on and grabbed my guitar and my bass. “I’m staying with Nikki. Don’t talk to me Ashley. And tell Andy not to come near me ever again.”

Nikki held the door open with his foot. I walked out and followed him down the hallway. “I’m sorry sweetie. I know you liked him. I could see it.”

“It’s okay dad. I knew I shouldn’t have broken my promise.”

“Honey you promised that when you were twelve. You need to be happy.”

“I tried. And we saw how that just ended,” I pointed out as we got to his room. he knocked on the door with his foot.

Mick opened it a few seconds later. He looked at me and saw my bags. “What happened?”

“Lzzy’s gonna be staying with us. And keep her away from the Black Veil Brides boys,” Nikki said as we walked in.

“What did they do?”

I sat down on the couch and they sat down on both sides of me. “Andy asked me out and apparently he has a girlfriend in LA.”

“That little shit,” Mick growled.

“Don’t worry about it Mick. I think I’m just gonna go to bed now,” I said quietly. I got up and went into the bathroom to change back into my baggy sweatpants and tank top.  When I walked back out Mick and Nikki had set up the pull out bed for me. I climbed under the blankets and curled up on my side.

I fell asleep quickly.

The next morning I was being gently shaken awake. I groaned and sat up. Nikki smiled at me. “Come on sweetie, time to get up.”

I rubbed a hand over my face and climbed out of bed. I was exhausted and hurt. I didn’t feel like being around people at all today. After I went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face, I got dressed in a pair of jean shorts, a black tank top and one of Nikki’s black button down t-shirts. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and slipped my black converse on. After a quick layer of foundation and a thin line of eyeliner, I grabbed my guitar and my bass and followed Nikki and Mick down to breakfast.

Tommy and vince were sitting at a table. i saw the rest of the guys sitting at another table. they looked up as I walked in but I set my guitars down and grabbed a bottle of orange juice and sat down next to Nikki.

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