Hot Tubs Can Make You Sick

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We like soaking ourselves in a relaxing bubbly hot tub but before you dip, consider these possible infections you might acquire.

People are disease carriers, the more people who dipped themselves in a hot tub and the longer you stay, the effect of the disinfectant, chlorine decrease. Though chlorine in water forming hypochlorous acid cannot kill the bacteria instantly, it takes time to annihilate it. However, if chlorine interacts with dead skin cells, urine, and other bodily fluids produced by humans, it converts into a chloramine that can irritate your eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Plus, the warm temperature of the hot tubs is a good environment for the bacteria to grow. And hot tubs are difficult to be cleaned and chlorinated because it needs to be changed frequently because heat breaks down the cleaning chemical faster. Hot tubs actually are not good for people with a weak immune system.

Below are the lists of diseases that you might possibly get:

1. Hot Tub Rash or Pseudomonas dermatitis or Pseudomonas folliculitis

It forms an uncomfortable skin rash that looked like chickenpox caused by a germ, Pseudomonas aeruginosa that infects the person's hair follicles from a hot tub. But fear not, these bacteria are harmless and usually go away on their own after about a week.

2. Legionnaires' Disease

Legionella is a germ that can cause a severe type of pneumonia which can be inhaled from the bubbly gas formed by the bubbly hot tub. The bubble creates a mist that acts as a way for the pathogen to get into the lungs, which can induce Legionnaires' Disease. Symptoms include a headache, muscle pain, chills, and fever after a dip or a day.

3. Fecal Matter Contamination

Before reading the statistical fact, please bear to know the truth that poop is everywhere, including your smartphone. So if you soak with four people in a hot tub, which makes you all five, all of you naturally contribute a tablespoon of feces in a tub from the residual fecal matter on each of your skin. So if the hot tub is populated, it means you are literally soaking yourself in a water full of shits.

4. Shigellosis and E. coli

These are common strains of bacteria that live in a poorly maintained pool with dirty people going in and out from the tub. If you accidentally drink the contaminated water prepare yourself to suffer these possible symptoms -- stomach pain, fever, and diarrhea.

5. Illnesses from parasites

Crypto, common waterborne disease and is caused by ingesting a microscopic parasite called Cryptosporidium. In fact, it can be detected in a chlorinated tub because the outer shell of the parasite is hard, thus tolerant to chlorine. Once it entered the body system, it can cause severe diarrhea lasting for weeks.

Giardia, another common parasite found in contaminated water, is also tolerant to chlorine and can infect patients with giardiasis. Symptoms include diarrhea, dehydration, and stomach and abdominal cramps.

So if you do not want to have these deadly diseases better create your own hot tub than sharing your pathogenic bath-eria and dead cells with people. And thank me later if I ruined your summer vacation. haha.

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