Facts About Hangovers Part II

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Below are another 5 facts about hangover.

6. A pounding headache from a hangover is caused by dehydration

Alcohol makes us produce more urine causing the body to dehydrate. Dehydration itself can cause nausea, headache, and dizziness. The alcohol suppresses the secretion of the hormone, arginine vasopressin, which is responsible for telling the kidneys to conserve and recycle body water. Without it, more vital water gets lost in urine, lowering the body's water level. But not only water is lost, electrolytes too because urine contains potassium, sodium and other electrolytes. Since alcohol makes us pee more, the production of electrolyte goes imbalanced. These electrolyte disturbances have been linked to a number of symptoms, including a headache, nausea, and aches.

But that does not mean you have to drink your pee to maintain the balanced amount of electrolytes. Drinking additional water might help diminish alcohol's dehydrating effect.

7. Hangover is worse for women than men

All humans are walking waterbag, they contain 80% of water but varies between the sexes. Women have less body water because they have more body fat which holds less water. Whereas men have more muscle which is mostly made of water. When a man and a woman who drinks the same amount of alcohol, the poor woman will always have a higher blood content because there is less water to dilute. 

So women have a lower tolerance to alcohol and probably an opportunity for men to go to a cheap motel. So, ladies be careful but it would be okay to get drunk if the guy is hot and rich.

8. Inflammation might be the real culprit

Alcohol releases cytokines, an inflammatory molecule from the liver. It is the same molecules released when you acquire flu, resulting to a headache, nausea, fatigue and the sick-feeling that encourages you to stay in bed, allowing the body's energy to be used by white blood cells to combat the entered foreign invaders. Thus, it is natural for the liver to respond to the inflammation brought by the alcohol by releasing those painful cytokines. 

But if you do not really want to experience a hangover, remove your liver. Surely it won't release any cytokines that make you sick.

9. There is no remedy for hangover

There is no pill ever created to address all the painful physical problems caused by the beverages you take. Alcohol has so many effects; its metabolites have effects, its congeners have effects. However, there are substances that might help reduce the hangover's symptoms like the activated charcoal. It reduces the effects of congeners. And there is some study showed that extraction from prickly pear may combat the inflammation involved in hangovers. But as mentioned before to prevent a hangover is to drink moderately, full your stomach, hydrate yourself or better yet don't drink, which most experts considered the best remedy.

10. Dance

Using the consumed energy from alcohol, you can use it by hitting the dance floor. It can keep you from drinking much. Also, it enhances the body's overall metabolic rate which clears out the alcohol in the bloodstream faster, hence preventing you from acquiring the severe symptoms of the hangover. 

Even if you do not know how to dance, just dance. Never mind the people who are recording your crazy dance. Keep dancing like no one is watching. It is the only way to avoid hangover in the morning.


This would be the last chapter of this book, Fun Facts but don't worry, I will create a sequel. Haha

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