=7= cont.

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I took deep breaths hoping it would relieve my red cheeks.

Suddenly I heard the room door open and I poked my head outside the blanket.

"Are you coming back?", Changbin asked.

I nodded and stood up, carrying the blanket with me. As I proceeded towards the door, Changbin put his arm around my neck.


We walked down the stairs and I couldn't face him, I was so stiff.

Hyojong looked at me shockingly when Changbin and I reached the living room.

"Why'd you leave?", he asked me.

I looked at Changbin for once, "Him."

"Huh?", Changbin asked.

"Stop bringing me things!", I told Changbin and sat back down beside Hyojong.

Changbin laughed a little bit. "But I want to."

"I don't want you to.", I said.


"Stop bringing her things!", Hyojong suddenly exclaimed and put his arm around my shoulder like Changbin had done earlier...except this time I felt comfortable.

"Okay then.", Changbin said and sat down in front of us.

Contradicting what I had said earlier, I took a fairly large bite out of the cupcake. Changbin smiled at me.

"Stop!", I said with a muffled voice because I had cupcake in my mouth.

He kept smiling as he watched me chew, then I rested my head on Hyojong's shoulder, and my eyes were on Changbin.

"Do you like games?", Changbin asked me.

"Yea...I like yo- games. I like games.", I said.

Great job Daeun.

Changbin chuckled a little bit. "Then let's play a game."

"I am ground!", Hyojong exclaimed then sat in a criss-cross position.

Me and Changbin also sat criss-crossed. "I'll start.", Changbin insisted.

"Wait...what category?", I asked.

"Animals!", Hyojong shouted. "Now let's go."

Changbin nodded and started off the game. "I am ground jakieirum daegi—

"Wait! We didn't even choose which animals we are! Is this you're guys' first time playing?", I interrupted Changbin.

"I'm a bunny.", Hyojong said.

"I'll be leopard.", Changbin said after him.

"...I'm raven.", I said. "Now Changbin start."

"I am ground jakieirum daegi...bunny three!"

"Bunny, bunny, bunny...", Hyojong said in good timing with the beat we made with our hands. "Leopard two!"

"Leopard, leopard!", Changbin said. "Raven four!"

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