Episode 25

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「Fuwa ~a, why do we have do something like patrolling at a time like this?」

Wearing an armor which was carved with the emblem that represented the Saint King’s chivalric order, black wings similar to obsidian and a silver sword, a man in the latter half of his twenties muttered listlessly while yawning hugely.
His subordinate, who was following behind him, chided him seeing as he clearly had no enthusiasm at all.

「Since it is work, please don’t complain, Squad leader. Even I don’t want to patrol so early in the morning」

The clock’s needle was currently pointing at a bit past 5 A.M. Moreover, the patrol had started together with sunrise, at 4 in the morning.
The reason was because of the already open and bustling shops. Especially flourishing were shops that served alcohol.

Once in a year, during the three days when the fighting tournament was held, almost all the fishermen would take a break from work, and they would drink alcohol from morning to get excited for the tournament and would let the merry-making unfold.
The town would overflow with drunk people, so there were repeated quarrels and the public order would get a little bad. The patrol would act as both a deterrence force and also to deal with cases like those.

「I think that you can’t be too merry just because there’s a festival」

「Although you’re saying that, why are you trying to go drink alcohol?」

The subordinate grabbed the shoulder of his superior, Squad leader Cody, who was trying to enter a bar as though it was very natural.
Him being this informal in his speech and attitude towards his superior was solely because of Cody’s personality. It wasn’t that he didn’t give Cody any respect.

「Ale is calling me」

「Don’t suddenly say idiotic things with a serious face」

Cody’s subordinate brought him back to the patrolling course as though he was dragging him.
Without being able to do anything, Cody just saw off the bar which was becoming distant. It wasn’t clear as to whose position was higher.

「Haa………so, not being able to do anything other than look at the surrounding people drink alcohol will continue for another three days, huh…………」

「Even though you say that, Squad leader, aren’t you weak against alcohol?」

‘Moreover, it’s irritating that you get entangled in a quarrel after you drink’, towards the subordinate who added such a complaint, Cody replied.

「It’s not that I like drinking alcohol. I like getting drunk」

For Cody, drinking ale was a means and not the objective. He declared that anything was fine as long as he got inebriated.
Accompanying Cody to drink some cheap, unappetizing alcohol, and finally getting dragged into a quarrel, for him, it was unbearable.

While the two of them were engaged in such a worthless dialogue , from the alley in front of them, they suddenly heard a sound as though glass was shattering. Consequently, they also heard a woman’s shriek and a loud noise.
They exchanged glances, and then, both of them sighed deeply.

「Looks like it’s time for work」

「Good grief……….Can’t they drink in a more enjoyable manner」

「That’s not something that Squad Leader can say」

「Shut up. Well, Robin-kun, let’s go control the situation with that frightening face of yours that makes everybody scared without any exceptions」

While speaking, they ran towards the direction of the sound. Turning around the corner of the alley, they pushed through the crowd of people to confirm what was happening. He ignored Robinson a.k.a 'Robin' who was muttering,’Can’t you change the way you say it…………’, behind him.

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