Episode 36

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After finishing the examination and returning to the Royal Capital, Harold continued living busy days like before, working on the miscellaneous tasks and training, while waiting to be informed of the results and also racking his brains on how to get in contact with Justus. Justus’s laboratory existed within the Royal Capital and in the game he had also come to the Royal Castle. If he thought of making contact, then he could do so.

But if the condition of not making him vigilant was added, then the difficulty level skyrocketed. But Justus’s plan was a covert one and an absolute secret, and even if he were to include someone in the process to use them, he must have done the core part of it alone. More than anything, Harold had a complete grasp of this plan which was supposed to be an absolute secret. There was the danger of him seeing through that truth from Harold’s behavior since he was a genius. And if that happened, he might use any and all means to seal Harold’s mouth.


Then he might as well take him by surprise and arrest him, but again the risk was high. The main concern was the degree of completion of Earth Encroachment. Even if it was possible to arrest Justus, if the Earth Encroachment plan had progressed, then at the current stage the only one who might be able to stop it was the person himself.


But Justus himself stopping the plan was absolutely unlikely to happen. Even if he had to throw away his own life, Justus would try to fulfill his desire. On top of that, if he were to awaken “that power”, then it was unthinkable for him to be able to defeat him alone. If it went wrong, then even before Ryner’s party took any action, the continent would fall.

In the first place, there was not enough evidence to arrest Justus. Even if he were to frankly give the whole picture of the plan to Vincent and the others, it wasn’t difficult to imagine that they wouldn’t pay any proper attention to it since it was too crazy. Who would believe some nonsense like Justus turning the world into a vessel to fulfill his desire to revive the dead.


「Shut up」

He interrupted the repeated calls for him that had been coming from a while ago. With his name being called so persistently, there were limits to ignoring it. Stopping the arm that had been swinging the sword, he reluctantly turned towards the owner of the voice, Shido.

「What, you noticed, huh」

As though it was unexpected, Shido said that. Unfortunately, since he was practicing in a place where not a single person was around, he could immediately know if someone came. A dim place under the shadows of a thicket and a dilapidated building that seemed to have been a stable, it was the best spot to be alone. As to why he was practicing in such a place, it was because recently, he had started to get into quarrels even in the training grounds. They must have thought of tormenting him overtly in the name of practice. He had judged that in the worst case, even if he got into a quarrel here, they wouldn’t be a bother to the surroundings.

「Isn’t that obvious? I was just ignoring you」

「Isn’t that worse?」

Really, that was exactly right. That said, since this mouth couldn’t even gloss things over, he couldn’t help but give up. Harold ignored Shido’s comeback and continued the conversation.

「So, what do you want?」

Being shown interest, Shido suddenly bowed vigorously. It was a deep bow with his torso bent in a right angle. Towards Harold, who was inwardly bewildered at this sudden action, Shido made a request.

「Please train us!」

Harold lost his words for a bit. Sure Shido still couldn’t be called first-rate, but still he had endured harsh training for a knight for 3 years and had improved his strength. And he had requested Harold, who was a newbie and moreover 6 years younger than himself. It was quite unexpected to the one who had been requested.

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