Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Bella's POV

I shuddered as I heard the sound of my window being opened and became alarmed when I heard foot-steps, I opened my eyes to see Edward with his back towards me as he took off his shirt and I immediately became afraid about what he would do to me. I quickly closed my eyes as he turned around and I pretend I was sleeping, I could hear his footsteps coming towards me. Then I felt his hands on my shirt and could feel him unbuttoning it, he pulled it off of me and I couldn't help but trembled because I feared the worst was going to happen tonight. When I felt movement on my bed I knew he had gotten on it, he had gotten behind me because I could feel his cold form behind me. He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, the coldness of his skin felt like heaven against my back that had felt like it was burning before. I wanted to ask him what he was going to do with me, but I kept my mouth shut because he thought I was sleeping. He whispered, “I wish I could hold you close to me without you fearing me, I wish I could kiss you without causing you to shiver.”

I couldn't help but gasp in shock, then I held by breathe because I had alarmed him. I felt him move as he probably was checking to make sure I was still asleep, I kept my eyes close to keep him thinking I was asleep. He settled himself back behind me and placed his arm around my waist, he snuggled closer to me and sighed in content. The coolness of his skin was actually helping with the pain I had in my back, the pain that was caused from being whipped severely. I remained skeptical of what Edward's intentions were, I just wouldn't let myself trust a vampire – especially if they're a male. I didn't know if I would be able to trust Alice, the one who was suppose to change my bandages in the morning.

Edward suddenly whispered, “I wished this would of never happened to you, Bella; no woman deserves to be torture and raped,” his voice wavered on last part of his sentence. He continued, “I want to find the monsters who did this to you and kill them, I would make their death slow and painful. I would make them regret physically violating you and treating you like an animal. I would make them beg for me to kill them and end their torture, but I wouldn't give in until I thought they had been punished enough.” I could feel that Edward was extremely enraged and part of me wanted to comfort him, but I pushed that feeling away because I couldn't trust a male vampire. I wished for sleep to take me, but I would wake up quickly if Edward tried something on me. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, when Edward started humming I was out like a light....

I woke up screaming as I was being shook awake, which caused Alice to jump back in surprise with a frightened expression on her face. Alice said sheepishly after I stopped screaming, “I'm sorry I startled you, Bella.” I asked her, “How did you get inside the house, I'm sure Charlie locked it?” She simply replied, “I have my ways, Bella.” I stated straight out, “I know what you are, I know what your family is.” She said, “I know, that's why your so scare of us when there is no need to be. None of us will ever hurt you like that Bella, we will protect you. We don't go after humans, we survive off of animal blood. We respect humans and those two monsters don't, you don't need to fear us because someday you will be one of us.” I told her, “I don't want to be a vampire, I never want to become one.” Alice told me, “Well, one day you will change your mind. Now, go take a shower, and when you're done put on some undergarments and come back here, so I can bandage your back.” I just nodded my head and headed over to my dresser to grab a pair of undergarments before leaving my room, I headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After my quick shower I dried myself off with a towel and put my undergarments on, before I headed back to my bedroom where Alice was currently waiting for me. Alice said, “I'm going to clean your wounds Bella, it's going to hurt.” I replied, “I know it will. Can we just get it over with quickly?” Alice replied, “Certainly, Bella.” As soon as I felt her applying alcohol to my wounds I wanted to scream in pain, this pain made me wished I was already dead. I envisioned my death in so many ways, but I hadn't set anything in stone just yet. I had yet to determine when I would die, but I knew I wanted my death to come in the next few days. My idea of life had been shattered and I had become an empty shell because of those two monsters who were vampires or creatures of the night. My mind kept revolving around the memories of the two monsters that had left me live, the way they treated me like an animal or slave for five days straight.

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