Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Bella's POV

Monday morning I waited for Edward to pick me up, I already knew how this day would turn out. I had no idea if I could live past this, if Edward broke up with me I might just kill myself. My death would most likely be messy, I would use a knife and stab myself a hundred times. He already broke up with me once, I don't think I'll be able to handle it again. My emotional wounds were slowly healing, I don't know how long it would take for me to be completely comfortable around vampires. I don't why Edward felt the need to do this to me anyway, maybe he thought he could protect me. I sighed as I waited for my mind to come to an conclusion, but I didn't really comprehend why the one possible or most likely answer is sufficient enough or good enough reason for him to break up with me.

When the doorbell rang five minutes later I grabbed my backpack off the floor and placed it on my lap, then I slowly wheeled myself towards the door. He noticed the expression on my face and asked, “What's wrong, Bella?” I lied, “I'm just tired.” He didn't question me further and pushed me towards his car, he helped me into the passenger seat and put my wheelchair in the truck. Edward got into the driver seat and paused just for a second, then he started his car and took off towards the school. We didn't say a single word to each other the entire trip to school, but I had something on my mind and I wanted to say it.

Once he parked his car and turned it off, I said, “I hope your not breaking up with me today, otherwise I would have to kill myself.” He sighed and replied, “Bella, please don't go there.” I responded, “I'm telling you the truth, you're my only reason for living. I'm just a time-bomb waiting to go off, if I didn't have you anymore I might explode and do something to end everything.” Edward pleaded, “Please, just stop talking like that Bella.” I cried out in my mind, 'Don't leave me.' I didn't say another word to him, he got out of the car and pulled my wheelchair out of the trunk. Then Edward came over to my side and opened the door, he lifted me into his arms and placed me on the wheelchair.

Alice asked, “How are you feeling today, Bella?” I told her, “I'm tired, I just don't know want to talk right now.” Alice caught on immediately and didn't say another word, I just stared at my hands and mentally prepared myself for what was going to take place at lunch. I don't know how I could possibly prepare myself for what will happen, I just didn't know what I was going to do. There was a possibility I might slap him, if I had enough strength to do it.

When the warning bell rang Emmett pushed me to first hour with Rosalie following beside him, I could feel tears starting to flow freely down my face. Emmett stopped suddenly and Rosalie knelt beside me, she asked, “What's wrong, Bella?” I told her, “Nothing's wrong.” She sighed and said, “Please, just tell me what's bothering you.” I sighed and said, “I know what he plans on doing at lunch.” She asked, “What are you talking about, Bella?” I asked her, “Don't you know?” She replied, “No, I don't.” I told her, “Edward's going to break up with me again.” The expression on her face instantly turned to anger, she looked away from me and punched the brick building. The three of us didn't say another word towards each other as we head to class, my mind returned to thinking about what was about to happen after fifth period....

After fifth hour was over I slowly made my way towards the cafeteria, I knew I had to face what Edward was about to do. When I entered the cafeteria I glance over at Alice to see her frowning at me, I assumed she tried to talk him out of it and he didn't go for it. I slowly made my way towards him, after I got my lunch. Before I placed my tray on the table Edward said, “You can't sit with us, me and you aren't meant to be.” I said in confusion, “What are you talking about, Edward?” He yelled, “We're through, I don't want you anymore.” I growled at him, “Why are you doing this to me?! I thought you loved me, I can't live without you!” He shouted, “I was just using you, you were so easy! I'm tired of dealing with you, Bella!” I yelled at him, “I hate you!” I threw my tray of food right at him and his siblings laughed at him, I told him, “You mean nothing to me, I should of saw you for who you really are. You're just a monster, like in every myth I ever heard about vampires. You're not different than the leeches that did this to me, you're just exactly like them. I thought I could trust your kind, I guess I was wrong about you....and your family.”

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