Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Bella's POV

A few days later I was discharged from the hospital and sent home, just a day earlier I had succeeded in getting my mom to leave to be with Phil. Charlie stayed home with me the entire day, after school was out Alice and Edward came over. Alice asked, “How are you feeling today, Bella?” I replied, “I'm fine, I guess you want to bandage my back.” She responded, “I do, but you need to take a bath first.” I laughed at her because she made a face, she really didn't want to help me bathe. I said, “Edward could do it, if you don't want to. If that would be okay with him.” I looked over at him as he said, “I will, but you'll need to behave yourself.” I replied with a smirk, “I'll try.” He rolled his eyes at me and Alice just laughed, Charlie had a disgusted look on his face. Edward then lifted me into his arms and carried me up the stairs to the bathroom, he placed me on the chair and began getting the bath ready. I watched as he placed the plug in the drain and turned the knobs for the water to be warm, then Edward began undressing me. I asked, “You're enjoying this, aren't you?” He responded, “Just behave yourself, Bella.” I said, “What if I don't?” He replied, “Then I'll have to punish you.” I told him with a smirk, “And I'm going to enjoy it.”

A few minutes later Edward stopped the water and tested the temperature, then he turned towards me and said, “You'll have to let me know if it's too hot.” I nodded my head in understanding and he lifted me into his arms, before he gently placed me in the bathtub. I watched Edward as he headed over to the sink and grabbed a wash cloth, then he came back over to me and began washing me. When he began washing my chest I couldn't help but moan in pleasure, which caused him to groan and I just laughed at him because he was getting excited. He ordered, “Stop moaning.” I replied with a slight grin, “Make me.” He responded, “You're making me lose control and that cannot happen, not when you need to heal for a few weeks.” He started washing between my legs and moaned real loud, I'm sure Charlie had heard me and probably was wondering what was happening up here. I grabbed Edward's arm and said, “Make love to me, right now.” He replied, “We can't, you're not suppose to have sex remember.” I answered, “That isn't one order I want to follow.” He said, “You will just have to wait, just relax while I wash you.” I told him, “You better wash me thoroughly.” He moaned and said hastily, “Turn around, so I can wash your nice round behind.” I moved around and I instantly cringed, when I felt him wash it and my mind began to wander off back to five weeks ago.

… “Let's make her scream, I'll go first.” The one with the blonde hair left the room, he left me alone with the big scary one.” He spoke, “I'm going to enjoy this so much, you on the other hand will beg for me to stop and I won't. What I am about to do with cause you great pain.” I yelled, “I will not beg for mercy! I will not give you that satisfaction!” He whipped me and growled out, “That's enough out of you, you worthless human.” I screamed, “You're a monster!” He whipped me again and I tensed in pain, he asked, “Do you want me to whip you harder?” I didn't responded and just a second later I heard him removed his clothes, my body began to shake because I knew what he was about to do to me. He was over to me in a flash and ordered, “Get your knees and spread them wide.” I screamed when he stuck his member inside of me, I didn't expect him to stick there and it hurt like hell. I wanted my life to come to an end, so I wouldn't have to deal with pain. He wrapped his hand around my throat and ordered stop screaming, my screams got muffled by him choking me. Tears began rolling down my face as the pain only worsened, I relaxed slightly because he stopped choking me and the pain in my rear began to overwhelm me...

I instantly came back to reality as I heard Edward asking frantically, “What's wrong, Bella?” I had been shivering in fear as that memory resurfaced in my mind, I relaxed as I realized I was safe because I had Edward with me. I wrapped my arms around Edward and held him close to me, since he had come closer to me because I had worried him. He put his arms around me and said, “Nothing's ever going to hurt you again, I promise.” He stroked the side of my face gently and said, “Just relax now, I promise I won't touch you.” I replied hastily after he let go of me, “I don't want you to let go of me, your touch is the only thing that keeps me sane. When you hold me in your arms at night, I feel safe enough that I can fall asleep.” He looked at me a little shocked, he didn't know he was my own safe haven. He stated, “I didn't know you felt that way, I'm glad though it isn't the opposite.” I leaned forward and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt before pulling him closer and kissed him passionately, he returned the kiss almost instantly. Then I pulled away a minute later and said, “There are other thing we can do, since we can't have sex.” He asked, “What do you mean?” I answered, “We could pleasure each. What do you think?” He said, “We could try it, but you must not get too worn out from it because your body is trying to heal itself.” I replied, “Okay, then we'll try it tonight.” He responded, “Yes, we'll give it a try.”....

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