Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Bella's POV

Today Edward was going to pick me up and take me to his place, I would also get to meet his mother today. My father would be going to work today and tomorrow he would spend the day at the reservation, he planned on fishing with Billy. I was waiting for Edward to show up and I thought he should be here any minute now, I had everything I need already to go. I became super excited when the doorbell rang and maneuvered my wheel-chair towards the door as fast as I could, but when I opened the door I didn't find Edward on the other side—I found Mike Newton. He forced his way inside and locked the door behind him, I backed-up quickly in shock as he turned around.

He suddenly said, “I'm going to give it to you real good.” I warned him, “Edward's going to be here any second, if he finds you here he's going to kill you.” He replied, “I'm not afraid of him.” I spoke in a serious tone, “You should be.” Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Edward pull into the driveway, since the curtain was opened he noticed Mike Newton. I told Mike, “You're luck just ran out, he's here.” Mike turned to look out the window and the anger just built up inside of me, I grabbed him where I thought his member wound be and squeezed as hard as I could. He screamed in pain and a wicked smile came upon my face, I just couldn't believe I was actually doing this to him.

 A second later Edward was in the living room staring at the scene in shock, I finally let go of Mike but managed to do one more thing to him—I stood up and kicked him in his family jewels. I fell back into my chair and started laughing at Mike, he had collapsed to the floor and cried like a baby. After I stopped laughing I yelled, “Get out of my house now or I'll call my father and he'll lock you up.” He took off running out of the house as fast as he could, while Edward just kept staring at me in shock. I told him, “I think I might of broke his dick.” Edward replied, “I hope so.” Edward slowly walked towards me and asked, “You have enough clothes for tomorrow, don't you?” I sighed and said, “Yes, I packed everything I need.” Then he asked, “Did you pack your pain killers?” I doubled checked and said, “Yes, let's just get out of here.”

Edward pushed me out of the house and towards his car, he removed the bag from my lap and placed it in the back seat. Then he lifted me into his arms and placed me in the passenger seat, he put my wheelchair in the trunk and got in the drivers side. He asked me, “Are you ready?” I replied, “Yes, but is your mother on the same diet as the rest of the family.” He replied, “No, she loves drinking human blood.” I responded, “Oh okay,” then I smacked his arm. I said, “You're full a crap, no one can lie to me.” He sighed and said, “I can't get anything passed you, can I?” I replied with a smirk, “Nope, you can't.” He sighed and said, “Behave, Bella.” I told him with a slight grin, “Follow your own advice, Edward.”

He suddenly captured his lips with mine and I didn't mind one bit, but he pulled away a few seconds later and said, “Let's head to my home, shall we.” I mumbled under my breath, “Such a vampire thing to say.” He turned to me and said, “Pardon me. What do you exactly mean by that?” I told him, “You use the word 'shall', an old english word.” He just shook his head at me and said, “I didn't realize I spoke like I was from a different time.” I informed him, “You do it often.” He asked, “Do you think other people notice?” I answered, “Only people that are real observant, but you should know because you can read minds.” He sighed and said, “Okay, I guess we should get going.”....

I couldn't believe the size of their house as we came upon it, I turned to Edward in shock and said, “You live in a mansion.” He replied, “Yep, we're very rich, Bella.” I couldn't keep myself from staring at the big white house with big windows, I just wondered what it would look like once we got inside. I looked at Edward as he pulled to a stop in front of the house, he asked, “Are you ready to meet my mother?” I smiled and said, “I certainly am.” He leaned over and kissed me on the lips tenderly, I just melted into the kiss and became dazzled. I shoved my hands into his hair and pulled him closer to me, but when I nipped as his lower lip I did it a little too hard and he pulled away looking at me in shock—I looked away in shame.

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