Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Bella's POV

It's currently the night before my vision would take place, Jasper had continued to train me. Today, I went against two vampires for the first time, it seemed to come pretty natural to me and wondered if that was the case for my mother as well. Edward asked after I just finished training, "Would you like to play baseball with us tomorrow night, my love?" I told him, "I would love to." My vision would be set in stone. My mother asked, "Does that invitation extend to me?" Jasper was the one to reply, "Of course, it does." Edward told us, "I'll pick you both up around seven o'clock." I responded, "That sounds good to me." My mother and I got into Edward's car without saying another word, he drove us home in total silence. 

After Edward had dropped us off and was a few miles away I told my mother, "I have to warn you about something, it's about something that's going to happened at the baseball game." She asked slightly concerned, "What is it, Bella?" After taking a few deep breaths I informed her, "We're going to run into a few nomad vampires during the baseball game." Then she asked, "How do you know this?" I replied, "I had a vision last Tuesday, they're the same vampires that attacked Charlie's friend Wayne." My mother just stared at me in shock, she was completely lost for words right now. 

When a minute had passed my mother told me, "I'll make sure they don't get their hands on you." I quickly told her, "No, don't you put yourself in harms way just to protect me, you have Phil to think about." She replied, "I'm not going to lose you, Bella." I told her, "You won't, I promise." My mother wrapped her arms around me and said, "Just make sure they don't sink their teeth into you, if the venom gets into your system you won't be able to fight back." She didn't really have a reason to worry because I've killed a few vampires before, I'm sure it definitely wouldn't be the last time.

Charlie came home a quarter after five o'clock, as he entered the kitchen he asked, "What's for supper, Bells?" I quickly replied, "Spaghetti and garlic bread." He responded with a slight smile, "That sounds delicious, Bells." Then he turned towards my mother and said, "It's amazing how our daughter can cook, if we did we would burn the house down." My mother told him, "I know, Charles." I couldn't keep myself from laughing at them, while they just shook their head at me. Then I turned backed to the food on the stove while Charlie took a seat at the table, he began reading the newspaper.

About twenty minutes to six supper was almost ready, my mother quickly set the table as I added the finishing touches. Charlie dished up his spaghetti first before passing it to my mother with a slight smile, it wasn't hard to tell that my father still loved my mother because I could see it in his eyes. When my mother handed me the bowl she froze and asked concerned, "Is something wrong, Bella?" I told her, "No mom, I was just thinking about something." My father was eyeing my up suspiciously, but he didn't say a word as I gave him a sly smile. There was silence between us as we ate, but I had a feeling it wouldn't last long.

My father asked a few minutes later, "So, what are your plans for tomorrow night, Bells?" I responded, "Well, mom and I were going to go play baseball with the Cullen's." Then he asked, "Didn't you two think about inviting me along?" Without thinking I quickly told him, "You can't come." Charlie challenged me, "Why not?" My mother was the one to reply, "Charlie, Bella told me a few rogue vampires will be around the area, I don't think you want to become a little snack for them." Then Charlie asked, "Is it safe for you two to go?" I told him, "Yes dad, mom and I can kill vampires, so we can protect ourselves. They're also the vampires that killed Wayne. Hopefully, the Cullen's can convince them to leave the area." My mother added, "I hope so as well."

After my parents finished their supper they headed into the living room, while I still continued eating my spaghetti and garlic bread. I could hear them discussing what they were going to watch, he actually let my mother decide what they were going to watch. After I finished my food I began washing dishes, it didn't take long before I sensed a presence just outside the house. When I looked up I saw it was Edward and motioned for him to come in through Kitchen door, he simply smiled at me before appearing at my side a few seconds later. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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